Tristam You overdid it a little bit

A Tech Roll - will limit "finishers" quite a lot.
Sword Clashes/Lockups - impossible on Gamebryo (Oblivion engine) - at least not on this version.
A charged swing - not needed, as it doubles standart "flinch" and DR6 critical.
Ability to knock off helmets and shields. - not really needed.
Archery with special shots - adequate multishots not possible,
Special Blocks will overcomplicate combat a lot.
Grabs. - not possible afaik.
Parry Punish - THATS a good idea

. Id rather called that a counterattack.
Ok. Lets break this down.
Tech Rolls will limit finishers, that's the point. To make Finishers harder to do. The upside is, DR7 could be rebalanced by making it easier to knock people down, since landing on your back isn't the end of your life anymore it doesn't need to happen so rarely. This will also make it possible for YOU, the player, to be knocked down more often as well.
Sword Clashes: Idk how the system works tbh. Maybe it can, maybe it can't work. But (and no offense when I say this) you were wrong about the multiple arrows as well, so hopefully you're wrong about this.
A Charged Swing: Sure its not needed, it'd just be cool. Can't you imagine stunning an enemy, and then backing up and charging a swing. Punishing him when they close in? Maybe instead of getting extra damage, it has a much higher chance to activate on of those criticals?
Ability to Knock off Helmets and Shields: Again Cool/Fun > all. Who cares if its necessary? Deadly Reflex is "unnecessary" when you think about it...
Archery with Special Shots: Sure it is. You could even use magic effects w/o the pretty colors to simulate your needs if you had to.
Special Blocks: As stated in my description -- they'd be optional. The normal block would work just as well, but if you WANTED to step your game up and really saw a blow coming, you can punish people for it. Or yourself, if you fail/svck. XP
Parry Punish: Agreed. *brofist*
If the Charged Swing I spoke of ever got in, I'd love to see it interact with Spells. Knocking a Fire Spell right back at it's caster to knock them off their feet would be epic. Ice Spells could shatter, dealing area damage from a Shrapnel like effect, and Lightning could go through your weapon into the ground, dealing area effect damage around you. Unlike the Shield Deflections, which send spells in random directions, Charged Swings should have a greater chance of sending it to the owner. A chance that rises the more you charge.
When wonder how to improve arrows: I was thinking just have the location damage cause actual effects/animations. People limping from leg shots and holding their eye. Maybe dropping a weapon/shield if hit in the limbs. Arrows could be "Charged" just like Swings. You simply pull back on the Arrow and let a meter rise. The meter rises faster if you have a target in your sights and are standing still, and lowers when you move. It goes to 0 if you're hit. The meter could have multiple "Levels" and when 1 level fills, the meter changes colors and goes on the next one. Blue > Yellow > Red > Black. Or maybe just a meter with symbols next to it that fill in/light up each time the meter fills. This keeps the game balanced as people won't get picked apart by every arrow you fire. Only well set up shots can do any real harm and "status effects."
Hand to Hand: combined with Acrobatics, give them a wall jump feature. Nothing epic, think a number of small hops based on their skills. You can be fight in a city and running from Guards. You find yourself wedged in a corner between two houses. So you Jackie Chan your way up between them, landing on the roof. OR you find yourself halfway up and on your way back down because your still level 10 and you should have known better. XD
I'd also like to see a slide. It could help with dodging projectiles, or tackling your enemy's feet out from under them. Maybe both.
Sprint functions would be great too. Reading about the Horse Combat momentum and how that could be applied on foot made me think of that. Along with the fact that sprinting is a simple, basic ability in most games and its' sorely missed here. Keep the usual: "If you're melee'd while sprinting you have a higher chance of falling" etc. rules here. Could also boost the effects of all kicks and headbutts.
Closed Eye. You get bashed hard enough (The PC equivalent of a NPC's nose getting broke) and you get a black eye. Your eye closes, and 30% of your vision is cut off. If you do this, make it a separate ESP please. I know a lot of people will be against it.
Thanks for reading through, fellas.