Last thread:
You can download the latest version of DR6 here:
Latest post by Skycaptain:
With the time I have, I′m actually playing the myself, first time after 2 years. I guess it′s ironic to those of you with problems - but my game has never been this stable. It′s 100% stable, actually, and it has never played this smooth while looking as good either. To sum it up, I′m enjoying the perfect Oblivion I kept telling myself I would do once I get DR6 to a playable state.

I′m planning to upload fixes of course, I′m just lacking time at the moment to really focus on modding. I guess I should also mention that there wont be anything else than critical fixes, given the time I have - in the end of next month, I′ll be leaving home for months, on a vacation. I was never sure if I can even get out a beta before then, to be honest, right now I′m pretty content I did and if I have one weekend to attent to those bugs I have been able to confirm myself.
Those of you that have bugs that seem to make the game unplayable or worse - like I said I have a perfect game myself, with DR6, so I′m pretty sure any updates I release wont help you. The problem lies in the differencies in our installations, maybe I have explained something in the readme unclearly - I wish I had time to troubleshoot it with you, but as it stands I can only hope your fellow users help you out.
[b]UPDATE: The bug report collecting has come to an end for now! Most issues with the current version are well known and documented. You still can post bug reports, but they won`t be added to the list. Please note, that bug reports will be much appreciated again, as soon as the new update gets released.
[b]UPDATE: As far as I know Skycaptain didn`t appear on the forum for a long time. I guess he`s busy with work. That said, I don`t know when the next update is going to be released.
If you have issues you may look into this useful posts:
By cInfidel:
Also if you cannot use bash or dodge, or you have a "lag/pause" when you try to throw, bash or anything then you basically are doing it wrong lol. Something has not been installed correctly. What you need to do is:
0. Uninstall DR5 and DR6 along with anything else you installed in order to use DR6. (Skip if you have not yet.) Basically clean out everything you installed for DR6.
1. Download these: and
2. Extract and Paste OBSE into your main Oblivion folder.
3. OMOD or Bain install DR6. (There is no omod conversion data so fill in the mod name yourself)
4. Remove 2 or 3 of the Timed Block .ESPs, Mounted_Spellcasting_Deadly_Reflex_Compatible.esp and the drsplatter.esp from the /Data folder
5. Start Oblivion. Remember to always use the "obse_loader.exe" or it's shortcut to start Oblivion.
Once you see the mod is working properly (You can throw weapons and bash without "lag", you can add in the non essentials.
6. Replace Mounted_Spellcasting_Deadly_Reflex_Compatible.esp back to /Data
*Required for casting spells on horseback.
7. Install NifSE from
*** NifSE will cause crashing when throwing certain weapons, but the throw death animations cannot work without it)
8. Install 1st Person Legs
***This conflicts with unlimited ring tweaks.
9. Install OBSE MenuQue
*Required for Hud Status Bars
10. Install HUD Status Bars
*Required to see the "Momentum" bar
11. Install Drop Lit Torches OBSE
*Required for thrown torches to shed light. (This may or may not work 100%)
Once drsplatter gets fixed then we will be able to add in
12. Install OGE v2
*Required for blood splatter on screen
13. Install fixed drplatter.esp
***Not fixed atm.
Hopefully that helps explain installing for some. Also if somebody gets to Step 5 and is still "lagging" then we will have something to talk about.
Also by cInfidel:
If you do not see a new bar on the left side of the screen (I have Dark Darn UI, and it works perfectly , the bar is touching the edge of my screen.) AND your bash and dodge keys do not work no matter your key in the ini AND you can sometimes throw your weapon but there is a large delay THEN there is a good chance that your OBSE is the problem. You most likely have an old version. The newest version ( http://obse.silverlo.../ ) should fix all of your problems. Updating may also fix other people's issues. The newest version is required. It should be made more obvious in the instructions.
As for crashing. My placement of my Bashed patch makes strange things happen. Currently my bashed patch is loading before ALL required mods for DR6 and DR6 itself. Maybe play with this.
Unlimited rings / visible legs. In Wyre bash the "unlimited rings" tweak allows you to equip unlimited rings but it hides the physical rings on your hands. Wearing some gloves also hides rings. If anything causes your rings to be hidden then the "Skull of Legs" is also hidden and that defeats the whole purpose. I think thats a bit silly, (why not add an item type like cape, or just use the "gloves and greaves" themselves. The only time we get to see legs in DR6 is during kicks. I don't think it's worth it. (Personally I like having more than 2 rings, i mean people stack rings on their fingers in real life. it makes sense just don't abuse it.) If you want the legs over the rings be sure to enable the "gloves show rings" clothes tweak.
I don't believe the menu garbage left over from v5 is stored in the save file because I believe I still had it after a clean save. (removed dr5, saved, installed dr6.) Obviously v6 is in beta so it's more crashy glitchy than v5. Overall once everything is installed, it's very playable. Maybe if skycaptain got the go ahead from all the authors he could make one complete resources pack for dr6 similar to wyre bash's all in one resources download. A thought.
Oh and as we have all seen, bodies are nvde, and argonians have human hands, feet and reproductive organs.
Hope this helps.
By Smooth:
This happens because you are not clean saving after you remove DR 5. You must make a clean save to ensure there are no remnants of DR 5 lingering in your save file. You should follow this procedure to go from DR 5 to DR 6.
--Uninstall all DR 5 files and plugins.
--Load your game, create a new save, don't overwrite, without DR 5 in your Load Order, or any files present in your Data Directory.
--Intall DR 6 and load from your clean save.
--Create a new save and you're ready to play.
Everything works just fine if you follow this procedure. You should almost always clean save when you add or remove mods, especially upgrades like this.