I can't see my legs, either when I look down, or when I kick. I have the 1stPersonLegs mod installed, and don't have unlimited rings.
I don't know if this should be posted here or in the bugs thread. I'll post in both.
Are you sure that you have activated that particular skull you get in your inventory? (I know, it wasn't until today I noticed it. :facepalm: )
Ah, the moment everyone has waited for. ^^ The mod seems good so far. But you can't simply expect a bugfree beta, can ya? Just wanted to report a few bugs I've exploited.
After jumpkicking, the PC's right leg appears shorter in third person, but goes back to normal when headbuttin'.
There was also this issue I also had with dr5; when I skullcrush someone the skin part of their neck becomes purple. (Not sure it that could have been caused by facial texture replacers I'm using.)
I deleted both those .egt files from the "_male" folder as one of them seemed to set redguard/altmer skin color back to default imperial (at least what I exploited with my char.), save the face.
Tested horse combat as well, seemed fine in third person. But 1st person didn't work out, when I pressed attack I would glitch in front of the horse and float back to the saddle.
There sure is alot more but don't feel like putting them up now.
Though, I like how you replaced the onehand expert anims with twohanded, it would seem unlikely to knock back someone with just one hand.

Anyway, well done!!