Hey gyus, I′m still tackling some RL tasks I need to take care of - it was a busy first half of the week, no I′m happy to have enough time to sleep for the rest of the week.

Thanks for all the nice comments - it′s not supprising there′s some bugs, as there was no real playtesting before this (well 10h with a level 1 char who spent the time running for his life like a rabbit), but all in all I′m relieved you seem to be able to actually PLAY the mod, my paranoia was I upload a version with an old esp or missing files.
For future bug reportingwe agreed with Klaus that he collects list for me. So there′s a separate thread for clear bug reports. I know it may seem confusing - but the idea is that if you have just a bug to report a la "I noticed a bug: xxx. Thanks by!" then post it there. If you have a question/problem you need info or answer to, post it here. I′ll only post in this thread - the other serves as a container for centralized problem collection. There will be some inevitable clashing, some it′s still better for discussion in this thread.

This is releated kicking - cause block + attack + direction is supposed to (also) trigger (acrobatics) kicks, which actually uses jump + block + direction in the game - and because Oblivion sometimes has trouble with more than 3 keys pressed at the same time - I made it so that when you hit block, I disable your attack key.
This also prevents the attack anim from trying to play instead of a kick. Obviously this nice little trick of mine doesn′t play too well bows - I should add code for this exception.
I′ll have to check this - the whole CODE for the popups should be deleted!
Some issues(Being a Beta, it is to be expected)
A few weapons from apachii Godess store(Arthimas or something like that Longsowrd and dagger) Throw great, but the Longsword sometimes cannot be recovered, and the dagger cannot be recovered from the corpse. But seeing as this is another Mod, it probably wouldn't be worth fixing this first, if at all.
So far, throwing a Fine Iron Dagger, and Silver Longsword give a different kind of Crash than that of "Oblivion Has stopped working". Something about a Runtime requesting the game to be terminated in a weird way or something.
When I first made my character, the First person camera got so off, that in First person, all I could see on the way Right of the screen, is where my character was actually at. But that was only once.
Oh, and where do I go to remove the Body mods? I figure the Male one will read form the BSA that came form the game, and I will just reinstall ym other Female Body mod.
How unrecoverable? Have you noticed that they are automatically give to you, when you activate the body - you don′t see them in the inventory. The "why" is in the readme. Also it mentions how the body sometimes still shows the weapon attached, the body just sometimes refuses to update. It was totally random for me.
For the other problem I think it′s better you check it with Dragoon.

I can't see my legs, either when I look down, or when I kick. I have the 1stPersonLegs mod installed, and don't have unlimited rings.
DR should take care of setting "hideRings = 0" flag on any gloves, but you can try without gloves just in case. It was also correctly mentioned that you need to enable the script via the skull.
1st person legs are the mod that shows the legs, so it′s not something I can fix - you have to make your peace with that mod separately. I know it works, but it may not work if something messes with how rings work in the game, as it equips the legs as rings.
It automatically copies any effects you have in your own rings to its "leg rings", so you only need to equip the enchanted rings you have, then it autounequips them but transfers the effects to the "legs" it equips as rings. But really I can′t help much more with that mod, I have no control over it.
Skycaptain, I don't know if this is an obvious problem, but I can't get throwing to work.
It begins the animation and the a runtime error freezes the game.
Sounds like something with Nifse/obse etc, but I have no idea why it wouldn′t work for you. Hopefully Dragoon will come up with something, or can verify the cause otherwise - when it comes to Obse, OGE, NifSE...I′m just a user, unfortunately and have no deeper understanding on them.
Does DR 6 do anything to the menus? I've got a user on Nexus complaining that Oblivion XP is going nuts after installing this and Unnecessary Violence. I suspect he didn't follow the installation instructions, but the other thing that can make Ob XP crazy is if another mod overwrites its menus. Mainly the stats_menu and the levellup_menu, although Ob XP also changes some other menus too.
Nope it shouldn′t..I wonder if he simply loaded some DR5 save and no the scripts are messed up. BTW I still have commands in the scripts (should you look at them) calling a function called "functionGiveXP", but the function code is commented out, I just left it as a placeholder for any possible future use so it′s not doing anything.
SkyCaptain what about this post of mine.

Meh I just basicly copied the Obse requirement about the "build", you should be fine with just latest patch, as long you can run Obse you are fine. Unless making mods while having SI automatically makes mods dependent on SI? Don′t think so, I don′t refer to anything SI in my scripts or resources.
Tested horse combat as well, seemed fine in third person. But 1st person didn't work out, when I pressed attack I would glitch in front of the horse and float back to the saddle.
Anyway, well done!!
Sounds like some animation/skeleton conlict - do you have any custom skeletons installed? Any problem like that means the anims are not playing in your game as in my game.
It would be nice if anyone else can post about 1st person horse combat.
For the problem with the thrown weapon lost hotkey assignment, the best solution is to use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34735 the weapon will be kept on the hotkey memory, retrieving it will enable the usage of that hotkey.
Say what now? What lost thrown hotkey assignment?
Isn't there supposed to be OMOD conversion data in the archive?
No, you can just OMOD any archive that′s lined up the DR′s release archive.
I don't know exactly what the .egt files do, but I know they are body-mod related. I don't think deleting them will make trouble for DR6.
The .egt files came from the DR6 folder.
They are head/hair related, delete if they came with DR.
So far, the mod is really awesome, even with some of the visual annoyances. Good job Skycaptain!
Also, first-person looks a lot better when you change the field of view to 90. Just type in the console, "fov 90". You can see the cut off of the arms in some places, I only hope that can get fixed somehow, with longer arms.
FOV 90 is not supported for that very reason - the arms are too short to make it work in both 75 and 90, but I′m happy you like it.