I have no jump altering mods, and I have something like 50 acrobatics on my char, and he was JUST able to jump to all places I was able to. Seems pretty perfect height to me, anything less and the player holds too much an advantage, anything more and and it will cause problems in caves, as the vertical movement is scripted, as in no collision.
Really this is nothing like with DR v3, the NPC never jumped when he didn?+t need to, and he always jumped when in trouble getting fast forward. Should be stable as well, I?m very very wary about activators and spells nowadays, too many hidden engine bugs, but this should be fine.

The good news is it?s a standalone mod, not tied to DR. So I can release after tweaking it a bit. I used globals to control what?s minimum speed the NPC must be advancing forward (when running forward), otherwise he jumps. Also the time delay he needs to keep running in place is a global (this small delay is needed as when the NPC starts running, there is an initial moment when he?s advance speed is 0 but the animation reports to be playing already).
The values I used was that the NPC had to advance forward less than 30 units/s for 0.2s (units is something like ~0.5m or ~6 feet) when running forward in order to jump. So it?s really not oversensitive yet it worked robustly, also the reaction time of 0.2s seems practically instant.

I could make the jump height a variable as well, so anyone can adjust it how they like. :foodndrink: