EDIT: BETA4 attemps to fix NPCs getting stuck jumping against obstacles when the player is not even in that direction.
It?s plug and play. BUT requires OBSE, it?s compiled with the latest one.
To adjust settings if needed, you can type in the console "set [settingname] to [value]"settings: -npcjumpHeight (default 100, units, actor is ~120 units tall), how high the NPC jumps
-npcjumpSpeedLimit (default 30), if the NPC is running forward but advances less than this amount of units in a secod he?s considered running against an obstacle. Rise to make NPC less sensitive to jump.
-npcjumpAnimDelay (default 0.25), amount of seconds the NPC needs to be considered "stuck" (see above) to jump. Rise if the NPCs jump for no reason.
-(advanced) npcjumpUpTime (default 0.3), adjust if the amount of time the NPC moves upwards during the jump seems wrong to you.
Let me know how it play when you actually play the game, like I said it was fine in limited testing but you never know what comes up.