Come to think of it, I wonder if there?s any trigger-happy Nifscope users out there who would like to enlist to help me out with this...? :poke:
It?s simple stuff, taking one node, deleting the data node if it exists (-> there?s then only single set of values to adjust), and then adjusting the rotation of the bone so that the animation is differently aligned during the animation.
In practice, I know what two values to enter as the starting point, then I test in game, and adjust if needed.
Mostly this is just to fix the 3rd person animations so that they look better and don?t clip in 1st person, but if someone helps me it?s also possible to have the legs visible when you look down. I have already done this for one-handed non-combat animations but I have enough on my plate so I doubt I?ll be doing the rest of the anims that treatment unless someone helps me out.

It?s not actually even that big a task, usually when you have one animation aligned nicely, you can just copy-paste the respective node to the other animations in that group, it?s all down to how compulsive you want to get.

So...anyone? There?s really no exprience required, if you read my directions on changing the animation bone priorities a couple pages back and understood what I said you are more than qualified, it?s not any more complicated than that, actually exactly the same.

EDIT: Just incase someone ponders the idea but is scared to get involved in tweaking hundreds of anims - it?s not like that. The anims are fine for the most part, just the attack animations need some tweaking here and there, and only some of them, to eliminate clipping or make the weapon hit in more proper direction. And as said it can be done in 99% of cases by adjusting two numbers.
And of course, if someone helps, he can do what he wants and leave it when he wants.