BTW, I hear back from wolve already! He?ll be making a new set of "guts 'n stuff" and possibly adjusting the blood textures.
the guts are allready done,and made into ingrediants the problem i got now is when dropped some float and two others that i redid recently sink through the floor,i'm sure it has something to do with the mass settings...
ill figure it though,and i know the blood looks too cloudy the new ones will be a dark red gory effect

No but really, if you can continue on that idea I?m all ears(eyes?)! To make things easier, though, I think eyes and teeth are out at this point. I can edit the existing skull and brain, the rest of the new stuff relates the midsection
actually i could make an eye including veins ect if you want,maybe for a critical face stab with a dagger?
have the eye come out with the blade,maybe even attached to the blade if you can code that in for effect?