Deadly Reflex stopped working

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:19 pm

I recently installed the mod automatic timescale, and after doing so, i noticed that the game would CTD while performing a critical hit with deadly reflex. I deactivated the mod, and critical hits are still not working for me. Also tried reinstalling it via a clean save and that didn't work either. The other features of deadly reflex still work as intended, but for whatever reason, my character no longer enters slow motion and the game crashes because of it. The crash prevention system prevented one of these crashes when I was testing it in the testinghall, and all the graphics worked as intended. The only thing that was absent was the slow motion. How can I restore the slow motion effect of deadly reflex?

edit: cleansaved again, it's working. unrelated question. how do i apply mao to mods?
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:41 pm

May not be what you're looking for but there is an option when rebuilding your bashed patch under tweak actors to make all NPCs use MAO
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:32 pm

unrelated question. how do i apply mao to mods?

load after all animation mods.
Wrye bash has option that when activa applies MAO to all added animations in your data folder. Unfortunately latest 285 WB version has problems doing this. Waiting for fixed 286 vesrion release as i well remember the animations handled with MAO - brilliant!
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Jeffrey Lawson
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