Thanks so much for all the support, it?s 100% certain that without all these encouraging posts DR would have faded away - probably YEARS ago! :foodndrink:
In the first post, you mentioned you need to tweak the impale animation. Which impale animation, and why does it need to be fixed?
I think it would have been fitting to use Dark Messiah combat music for the teaser video.

Ah, nothing most likely, just noticed that the arms clip with the screen some - but with the "neardistance" setting that minor problem is proably all cleared.

hello Skycaptain thank you for the great response. I watched the video like 50 more times and the more i do the more i like the cinimatic view for the spinning decap. its just done so well and transitions so smoothly, i love it now

Now just to make sure i understood this correctly, So basically the forward power attack is now a running thrust, which calculates the Critical Chance, but insted of triggering "slow motion", if the attack was enough to kill the opponent, it will automatically follow up the initial forward power attack with a "very smoothly transitioned" 3rd person spinning "auto" decapitation then back to 1st person. VERY SWEET. Is there any other attacks that do this ? and at the end of the video when you crushed the argonians head with the hammer, was that the new "stationary" power attack ? if so what would a sword do ? or is there still the sword thrust attack in DR6. Oh and i had a great idea i was playying around with DR4 and maxing the critical chance to 100 and obviosly certain conditions still need to apply so not everyone gets decaped and so on, but what if, kinda like in fallout 3, if the last power attack would atomatically start a 100 % chance critical attack, assuming the attack would deplete all his HP. so even if you miss the opportunity earlier you are guranteed another chance at a guaranteed decap. of course this should only happen when youve set your chance to 100 %. anyways you probably see where im going with this, it sounded WAYYY better in my head when i was on the can !! Dont get me wrong your chance system is amazingly intellegent and i wouldnt want to change it one bit , this was just sort of an alternative to the regular chance sytem at 100%. this way its not like everyone you killed would get decaped, youd have to watch ther life closeley without killing him with a normall attack , and ofcourse you still have to hit them in the neck, waist, head etc,, just an idea anyways like i said it made more sence before i typed it out

you know whats best. because you are the FNMAN.
Yeah you got it right - the forward powerattack is followed with a "cut scene" type of finisher if the EXTRA damage, that you earn from timing the running and the attack, kills the victim or the critical chance calculation shows green. There is still the stationary thrust attack, but it will not trigger the critical unless the target is stunned or wrists cut off.
Since DR5, there hasn?t been hard limit of one critical attempt. This was a bit problematic decision with DR5, since what?s the point in using other attacks if some certain attack constantly has a chance a critical? DR5 tries to deal with this with a pretty hard chance system, and granting criticals from a wide variety of attacks, taking off the incentive to use just, say, left power attack cause that could decapitate.
DR6 overhauls this. You can?t get criticals from other than right powerattack and the forward charge. The catch is, the attacks are not equally useful - and the least used attack is always the one that will most likely take the enemy by supprise.
Left and right powerattacks are semi-weak, but left powerattack is nice in that it contains a "bash" that breaks any defense, so it always connects. Right powerattack is the decapitation attack, but has no other treats - and has low base damage. Your critical chance is tied to how much you have used the attack in the fight - so you want to keep the attempts rare, and because the enemy health plays a major role as well, the longer you hold on from trying the most likely it works!

Forward rush is handy, cause it has the potential for heavy extra damage and critical, but you simply cannot use it effectively that much. The stationary powerattack is about as powerful as it is now, so it?s your "standard powerattack" for nice damage but no extra benfits. Backwards powerattacks have the most damage - twice the amount as now - and can knock down enemies (even before the perk). Experts (skill 75) can move around while attacking - the attack is pretty slow - making this "damage" attack much more handy.
So overall DR6 gives natural incentive to limit the use of critical attempts, while there is not limit to the number of attemps themselves. Also the use of ALL attacks is encouraged, cause things like extra damage, critical chance, enemy counter and dodge chance are all tied to how "predictable" the attack was - plus all the attacks have a more defined role.

Your work makes the game for me. When I first saw the videos of earlier releases on youtube a year ago, I promptly ceased playing Oblivion on the console, upgraded my graphics card, cpu, and got the pc version. The first mod I ever downloaded for Oblivion was DR5. Needless to say, that lead to obse and obmm and hundreds of other tools and mods. Thanks for all your extensive efforts. The DR6 video is very exciting. I patiently await the DR6 release. There's always an empty spot at the bottom of the load order for Deadly Reflex.
Wow, thanks man I?m happy that one of those movies made such a difference, I?m always so lazy to make them in the first place!