Hi guys, some setbacks....
First, I have been sick this week. Which makes me slow, tired and stupid, which is usually bad for modding.

So yeah, slow progress instead of the modding rage I hoped for.
Second, I discovered a nasty problem in the script processing order...all this time I thought I had a way to determine it. Well it turns out I can?t, which causes problems when 3 scripts should fire on the same frame, each reading from each other. So I need to convert some of the scripts to functions, luckily this is possible now and it?s a good thing this was discovered. But it svcks of course to have to use use many evenings just restructuring stuff, at this point.

In the other news we?ll be having optional "blood on screen" effect (thanks shadeMe and wolve for the shader and textures! :goodjob: ) and a headbutt (Thanks sirTroy!) move, which kinda works as a 5th kick, both in the game already. I also have three different "jumping impale" animation from sirToy, which are used to leap and impale the victim, if he?s further away. They look very good.

Really would like to get answers to my questions
1. So there will be mounted combat in DR6 - mounted casting and mounted melee attacking. What about mounted trampling?
2. Will old mods 'Deadly Reflex Breathing Motion and Bow Sway' work with DR6?1. Trampling as such I have not implemented, for balance reasons. You can knock down victims with the attacks but the point is it requires more from the player than just riding against them.
2. They will work fine, but the 3rd person animations in 1st person already gives nice bobbing while moving around, so you might want to disable any movement related extra from the Breathing motion.
can we have an option to disable the forward thrust sword motion?
I dont?t understand this question.
Will Time Block+250% make a return, it's just works so well with the system.
This neither - you mean is it included in DR6 as well? Of course.