Don?t worry either way folks, I know the pitfalls of both rushing and delaying - neither will be excersiced without a good reason.

I do want to get the mod out as fast as possible, as beta, now that I have decided to do so. This allows me to gain extra motivation and also better knowledge of the mod, by actually playing the game with the mod, with the beta released. I have too little time to play perfectionist - here you see I?m taking the quick and dirty approach to avoid a prolonged testing and tuning period when I know I don?t realistically have enough time to pull it off in decent amount of time.
So there will be only as much delay as really needed, as said last week and these days before Christman were THE days I counted on, I hoped to push in about 100 hours worth of modding and testing. With this damn (swine?) flue draining my strength, I have gone almost every day straight to sleep after work. As a result I modded probably 10 hours, and even this time was spent on the problem I described in my latest(?) post. :meh:
Off topic, but if it hasn't already been mentioned, are you planning on making a compatibility patch for As of right now, its a widely used mod (I posted a lesser used SI compatible version), but using it with yours causes some problems when magical effects kill a human. When a body burns, nothing but the head and fire effect can be seen, probably due to conflicting meshes. Same with lightning effects, but the hands are replaced by huge MISSING MESH signs. Not really game breaking, but sort of annoying.
I really don?t think this is true, it would be the first time I hear about this, and probably some 300 000 downloads has passed with those features present.
More likely, you either don?t have the 5.0 pack installed (maybe something went wrong?) or your game is not patched to 1.2 Oblivion version?
Excellent work so far on 6.0! I am excited about its release.
I did have a problem with 5.0 that appeared just today. Strangely, I made no mod change; I created a new character the other day and all of the sudden this happens: I try to make a directional power attack, and the game immediately freezes. Of course, I am using the DR 5.0 hotfix. I'm quite perplexed. Any thoughts?
That sounds exactly like the freezing problem in 5.0. Maybe re-download and re-install the hotfix just incase, and cleansave before activating it (unless starting a new game)?
No release before New Year, no fan made altar

I demand my avatar carved to the mountains, so that it can be seen all the way from Imperial City! Otherwise, no release!