ABOUT THE VIEW DISTANCE/STRANGE TERRAIN CLIPPING IN THE MOVIE:This is just me pushing all sliders down to reduce any useless overhead during recording.
Why it?s looks like that is because I?m using Streamview, which allows (to my understanding) clipping behind the fog to enchance FPS. Now, it was configured for my normal FULL GRAPHICS settings, and thus forced the fog much further than where the clipping now to took place. Just ignore it, as all you need to see is within 10 meters of the player.

God it looks sooo awsome, i love the kicks and the new finishers. this is gonna be perfect. I just have two quick questions . I was wondering with using 3rd person animations in 1st person , and say you thrust your sword at someone, does the sword "Enter" the body, like can you visually see half of your sword submerged in your foe, unlike vanilla 1st person ? Also the spinning decapitation finisher at the end of the video looks awsome i was wondering what the mechanics of initiating it were ? And can it be done in first person ? or is it a animation problem or just a matter of prefference, if so and its still usable in 1st person is there any way of packing the mod with an alternate animation for only first person? its not a big deal anyways the 1st person kicks and new moves is exactly what ive been waiting for in dr6 so im sooo happy now, your rock. i just really hate third person, though the animation still looked spectacular.
No part of the player ever "enters" anything in 1st person, it?s a graphics engine thing - parts of player are always in the foreground of the view in 1st person no matter what.

The spinning decap activates when you use the forward running thrust (forward power attack). Now the cool thing is, that the attack has pretty low base base damage setting, but you can move FREELY during the attack. So depending on how fast you are moving towards the target when the hit occurs, you deal extra damage. You need to time the forward running yourself.
A good example is the skeleton in the movie (heh, that fellow really supprised me, I loved how the NPC seemed to take advantage of that and kicked me down!

). I took some distance, and made a run forward during the attack so that I was in full speed run when it connected - the perfect rush attack dealed something like 70p of extra damage and took the skeleton down. Just compare how much my normal attacks took away from his health before that.
On the otherhand, you can see how little damage the same attack deals on some occasions for the Khajit, when the timing is less perfect.
So the spinning decap occurs when you win the critical chance calculation AND the extra damage is enough to kill the target.The animation would be POSSIBLE to play in 1st person, but it would need extra work to fix the clipping - which I chose not to do, as it just didn?t feel cool at all in 1st person. Really it lost all its power in 1st person, so I kept the more cinematic view.
BUT, the trasition between 3rd person and 1st person is automatic, you can play is 1st person like I do in the movie, and the camera just switches to 3rd person for the spinning decap. Think of is as a cutscene, or like VATS in Fallout 3.