The kicks and the backwards rotating dodge are Acrobatics. But you don?t have to use the default system - you press block + attack + direction to perform a kick (or backwards dodge). If the target is staggered, pressing block + attack plays the kick from DR5 (or if you are too far, the flying kick, which normally plays with block + attack + forward keys).
So in practice kicking is just as easy as powerattacking. There is only two familiar extra keys: bash key and the duck key.

Firstly, that was a beautiful vid showing a nice teaser. Greatly appreciate your enthusiasm in trying to get this out to us and putting work in on it in the first place. We all know you have a tough schedule and are doing as best, fast, even persistently as you can, so thanks again... and again... and again.
I am so glad to hear about the keys being downsized. I use an M$ Trackball Optical (yeah its about 8 years old now) and the Belkin Speedpad n52, and I mapped the Bash and duck buttons to the two extra keys on the mouse for my all around physical offensive control, but then I found that in v5 the grab/kick key was left out a lot for me cause i just didn't have room on the speedpad cause of all of my spell qickkeys. So on top of everything else thats a reall plus for me. :thumbsup: :icecream: