I?ll post more more info in this first post later, but now I?m tired - because I made you a movie at last: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJRtwkmgptQ. :foodndrink:
EDIT: http://www.filefront.com/14977849/undefined
Now, the movie really only shows SOMETHING, and I didn?t even try to capture the mechanics which are the most important factor in DR6. And remember it?s a MOVIE - stuff is programmed to happen a lot.

What you see:
-*some* of the powerattacks (more about the system later)
-3rd person animations in 1st person (I need to tweak the impale anim, I had forgotten about that one. Also I?m getting a new SHIELD BASH ANIM from howard, just FYI

-the three new kicks: low sweep, roundhouse and flying kick. The NPC happened to be a bad kicker, so by pure luck you only see him performing one of the kicks.
-new one-hand impale. It?s quicker yet less lethal, you can perform it on actors that are already trying to stand up (for example after you sweep them off their legs)
-headshot with a bow
-the finishers/effects/mechanics are tweaked

NOTE: The NPC not attacking straight away after staggering player is caused by Bethesda?s "DisablePlayerControls" command I used to lock the player. I found out only this week that it disables NPC combat AI - only god knows why! I?m substituting the command, so NPCs will be more snappy than ever before in v6.

Like said, I gave up on making a comprehensive movie, even showing all the different powerattacks or show casing the 1st person animations in 3rd person overall. Just too much work over a the movie, I rather work on the mod, it?s best experienced personally when it?s ready.
Oh and I decided to sit on the supprise feature for now, there?s some new developments on it...it may get to be pretty huge in the end, but also that may mean it will be a quick update to 6.0 rather than included as it is now.
Well, I?ll reformat this post on a later date to be more informative.