No hurries. I personally prefer a polished mod than a hurried one. Plus, I'm enjoying DR5 by now.
BTW, I believe DR6 is currently the most anticipated mod of all

Heh, I must admit I don′t even know if my work is polished or not. I mean I have been working on the scripts here and there, with long breaks in between, mostly not even remembering what I did the last time.
In that sense, I probably want to release something labelled "alpha" at first, just incase I completely forgot some script had a silly unfinished part or a test snippet of code that gives you a 100% chance.

Then again, that′s what I felt about DR5 - it felt so untested, being I didn′t really play it at all myself before I released it. And while I know there′s somethings that should have been tweaked afterwards, it′s kinda crazy how well it plays with the one quick hotfix I made. So in that sense I guess I′m pretty anol when testing invididual features during development, and when I do release something I assume there′s a chance there′s nothing wrong.
So I guess I would personally assume a working product with some silly flaws, which then get fixed quickly when I get to know about them. My biggest problem is I would like to get to playtest the mod myself before releasing, but that would require getting my modlist updated etc, and the playtime, which in my situation would push the release even months. So I′m forced to put a relatively untested version out in the open.
Speaking of which, a couple of days ago I though about all this, and to be honest it seemed like a big nightmare. Keeping track of the bug reports...listing them up...and THEN trying to find some time to set things straight and release a patch. With the time I have, with the stress with school and work...not nice. :nope:
It hit me that when the release day comes, in a couple of months or less (quickly counting weekends), it would really help if someone would like to help me with this. Like, read the bug reports, and keep a list of the "tasks" in the forum thread. I could mostly focus on the list, and report this kind person which ones were already taken care of. Just an idea really, but it would really really help, just posting this one post took 10% of the modding time I have left for this evening. :shrug: