The progress keeps awesome this week, I can′t post specifics no matter how hard I want to - I have been completing the "special feature" I decided to keep a supprise until release. I really don′t mean to tease unnecessarily, just wanted to explain the lack of details.

Oh what the hell, I love it, I just love this feature, it′s something I ALWAYS wanted to mod.

Hey Skycaptain, I've been meaning to ask you, where did you get the resources to make the death sounds? I'd love to have access to the originals so I could make some alternate sounds, some of them are so awesome, but the 11khz rate really muffles the quality.
Browsing through endless "free" sites with horrific [censored] quality sounds. The better quality sounds are from a replacer this guy made for DR sounds, can′t remember the mod′s name but it′s in the credits, though you were probably after the lower quality scream sounds. I′m afraid I don′t remember where I ended up getting them from.
Heh, honestly it′s the part of making DR which I have liked the least - listening through hundreds of low quality clips that are tagged with something like "male", "scream", "pain". Makes your ears bleed and your urine taste bad. :dead:
Sky, I was wondering if there could be an optional .esp where finishing moves play randomly when you kill an NPC?
What I mean is that instead of having to to the correct power attack aimed at the right place that there is something like a 5% chance when killing an NPC that it will play a death animation. Like if I have a blade equipped swinging at an NPC, there is a 5% chance my killing blow will produce either a= cut in half, head cutoff, or wrist cut.
Is that possible? I love the animations, I like to see them allot. But oftentimes in the heat of battle against multiple foes I dont get the chance to time and aim my strikes correctly to get a cool kill. =)
It′s possible, but I can′t promise anything - first I need to get things out like they are, only then I can think about more options. And I′d like to play as well.

I would prefer an "ini" file over an "esp". That would be cool anyway. I never liked the quest pop up and the "DR Reset" item in the inventory. With an "ini" you could set everything real simple (key assignment/chance of finishing move/other fine tuning stuff) like in OblivionXP. However, let Skycaptain finish the alpha first. After that there will be room for suggestions.
Actually there′s an ini file in DR6, currently the old system for the keys is still present though. Would be wise of me to ditch it, and provide a flag you can set in the ini, incase the mod needs "resetting", for any reason.