[WIP] Deadly Reflex-6

Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:58 pm

Hey SkyCaptain,

Will the commands to initiate kills for the special kills (decaps, and other dismemberment)
be compatible with Oblivion XP?

I'm not sure what commands Oblivion XP uses to tell if the player killed a creature or NPC
but I would think that DR6 would have to use the same commands
to be able to credit experience to the player.
I have not tested it with DR 5 as I've been waiting for DR6 and UV2.

If someone else could let me know if it works with DR5 I would be appreciative
as I'm gussing DR6 and DR5 share the same commands in that respect.

Thanks in advance. :foodndrink:
From my experiences with DR 5 and Oblivion XP, they work quite well together. Killing with decapitation and all other methods award the same amount of XP as killing the NPC without them happening. So you have no need to worry about incompatibilities.

In fact, I remember in older versions of Oblivion XP, it would actually glitch and give me a [censored]ton of XP for killing someone via decapitation or other special moves. Like killing a level 1 marauder would for some reason would glitch it into saying that I killed a level 50 enemy. But that has since been fixed it seems.
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sexy zara
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:46 pm

Ok, Thanks for the reply.

Well I guess worst case scenario is I have to give up XP for this,
but I'm certain it will be well worth the trade. :D

Keep up progress on this...I look forward to some gruesome killing moves. :toughninja:
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:34 am

Hello SK
Gratz on the potential 6, glad to see you are back into modding.
As far as DR 6 + Obliv XP goes, this is in the description of the mod for oblivion XP over at the nexus


"4. Mod Interoperability Support

As of version 4.0.0, Oblivion XP features a new system to support mod interoperability. With this new system, mod makers can easily add in-built support for Oblivion XP to their mods without having to make extra patches, and without making their mod dependent on Oblivion XP. Note however that the mod in question will need to use OBSE v0017+ in order to make this possible

The following two variables are added:

- float interOpGainedXP
- string_var interOpGainedXPMessage

Oblivion XP constantly monitors these variables for changes and gives XP to the user depending on their values.

To give XP to the player, all the mod maker needs to do is add the following lines to the action that yields XP:

if ( isModLoaded "Oblivion XP.esp" )
runScriptLine "set ObXPMain.interOpGainedXPMessage to sv_Construct %qDid stuff!%q"
runScriptLine "set ObXPMain.interOpGainedXP to 50"

Everything else is handled internally, including accounting for rested XP, increasing total XP, displaying the message, etc.
Note furthermore that Oblivion XP will automatically set the interOpGainedXP variable to 0 after giving XP to the player. Of course, the message can be changed to whatever you want, as can the amount of XP gained."

so yeah.. if your interested in adding support for oblivion xp, there is the code to do it. what people should have done in the first place was bring you this chunk of info, not a vague request. this also means that extra XP can be given for, say example, the fatality style kills in DR 6.

This was posted here just to clarify all oblivion xp questions. i'm not suggesting that you work it into your mod out of necessity//any other reason. after all, its your baby.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:15 am

Hello SK
Gratz on the potential 6, glad to see you are back into modding.
As far as DR 6 + Obliv XP goes, this is in the description of the mod for oblivion XP over at the nexus


"4. Mod Interoperability Support

As of version 4.0.0, Oblivion XP features a new system to support mod interoperability. With this new system, mod makers can easily add in-built support for Oblivion XP to their mods without having to make extra patches, and without making their mod dependent on Oblivion XP. Note however that the mod in question will need to use OBSE v0017+ in order to make this possible

The following two variables are added:

- float interOpGainedXP
- string_var interOpGainedXPMessage

Oblivion XP constantly monitors these variables for changes and gives XP to the user depending on their values.

To give XP to the player, all the mod maker needs to do is add the following lines to the action that yields XP:

if ( isModLoaded "Oblivion XP.esp" )
runScriptLine "set ObXPMain.interOpGainedXPMessage to sv_Construct %qDid stuff!%q"
runScriptLine "set ObXPMain.interOpGainedXP to 50"

Everything else is handled internally, including accounting for rested XP, increasing total XP, displaying the message, etc.
Note furthermore that Oblivion XP will automatically set the interOpGainedXP variable to 0 after giving XP to the player. Of course, the message can be changed to whatever you want, as can the amount of XP gained."

so yeah.. if your interested in adding support for oblivion xp, there is the code to do it. what people should have done in the first place was bring you this chunk of info, not a vague request. this also means that extra XP can be given for, say example, the fatality style kills in DR 6.

This was posted here just to clarify all oblivion xp questions. i'm not suggesting that you work it into your mod out of necessity//any other reason. after all, its your baby.

Well that′s a nifty system! Thanks for bringing me this info, I had no idea this system was available! :foodndrink:

I added this to my todo-list, after all, all it takes is to add that code into a custom function and then copypaste the function call to a few scripts. :)

I′m seriously pushing towards the alpha release now, I′m modding hard today and aim to complete 50% of the remaining real tasks. Smaller tasks like the above XP support, some extra configurability etc will be added in the beta/final version, as going around the scripts making small edits is what the work is all about after the first public version is released, so I can add those then just as well, since it doesn′t affect playing/testing the actual features. :)
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:52 pm

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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:15 pm

About Oblivion XP, I added this to the INI:

;Oblivion XP support
;experience given is enemyLevel^enemyLevelExponent * criticalHitXp
;thus if you set the exponent to 1.2 and xp to 100, critical hit on level 1 enemy gives you 100xp, while on level 2 enemy it already gives 229xp
;(2^1.2 * 100 = 229), and so on level 10 gives 10^1.2 * 100 = 1584xp (in comparison, with exponent 1 you would only get 1000xp).

;thus, values over 1 exponentially reward criticals on higher level enemies, while values lower than 1 play down the meaning of the level of the enemy killed
set scc.enemyLevelExponent 1
set scc.criticalHitXp to 100

I have no idea what the values should be, I figured this is the best way to do it, everyone can decide for themselves how much experience a critical should yield (as how easy/frequent criticals are is affected by how you configure DR), and also how greatly the enemy level affects the reward. :)
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:19 am

Thank you SkyCaptain

Also, Sorry for not bringing that info that Stroytika brought up.
I was not aware of that as I tend to not read the "for modders" bits in readme files.

Anyway I look forward to the Alpha of DR6 :)
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:47 pm

So does that mean, we will get an ini file instead of the annoying ingame text messages and the Deadly Reflex Reset item? Yihaaa!

By the way, Skycaptain. Have you thought about integrating a blood texture pack for DR6? I`ve done some research on TESNexus and there are some pretty neat mods out there, that will improve the gore effects of criticals, bascially blood spray and such. I will post my findings later.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:51 am

So does that mean, we will get an ini file instead of the annoying ingame text messages and the Deadly Reflex Reset item? Yihaaa!

By the way, Skycaptain. Have you thought about integrating a blood texture pack for DR6? I`ve done some research on TESNexus and there are some pretty neat mods out there, that will improve the gore effects of criticals, bascially blood spray and such. I will post my findings later.

Well, an INI has been used from the start, but I haven′t IMPLEMENTED that specific part yet, but I thought about adding a simple switch in the INI to turn of the message (on by default), accompanied by variables to assign the keycodes to. I want to keep the messages on by default, so that even if people fail to even notice there′s an INI file the mod still works.

About the blood, you can see the in movie I posted a while back (on Youtube) that I already started using a replacer found on Tesnexus for the ground blood. But let me know if you think there′s a better one available. For the emitter texture, Sir Troy sent me his version, but I have failed (read: totally forgot) to try it yet. Again, please do post any suggestions if you come accross anything nice looking. :)

About the Oblivion XP, I realized it′s silly to ask the user the decide/figure out the exponent. Instead, there will be option for level1 enemy experience and level 55 (that′s the highest right?) enemy experience gain values.

(Thus: the min and max decide the start and ending points of a curve, I can calculate the exponent in the script. If the user wants non-exponential behavior, he simply makes sure the max (level 55 critical kill experience) is 55 * min (level 1 critical kill experience))
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:08 pm

Ok I implemented the damn message-less key configure system. :P

If anyone is curious, configurable INI values look like this atm (most likely more stuff is added later):


set scc.displayMessages to 1 ;displays message that asks for keys to use in the mod. If you set this to 0, specify the keys below
;the key variables below take effect only if the above setting is 0 - otherwise, ignore them
;see http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/IsKeyPressed2 to see which keycode matches which keyboard button
set skycaptainsSb.bashKey to 45 ;shield bash/special move key, 45=x-key
set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 33 ;dodge key, the variable name is simply old, 33=f-key
set skycaptainsSb.horseCombatKey to 48 ;48=b-key
set scc.giveDrResetItem to 1 ;adds a hourglass into player′s inventory, that can be clicked to reset the mod
set scc.resetMod to 0 ;set to 1 to reset the mod if you don′t have the hourglass - remember to change back to avoid reset on every game start

set drScreenSplatterStayTime to 5 ;blood on screen time (s)
set drScreenSplatterFadeTime to 2 ;blood on screen fade time (s)

set scc.kickbasedamage to 5 ;kick base damage
set scc.momemtumincreasemult to 5 ;how quickly less predictable moves add to your momemtum
set scc.momemtumDecreaseHealthMult to 1 ;how quickly sustaining damage decreases your momemtum, 1 means taking 20% damage cuts 20% away from your momemtum
set scc.momemtumdecreasetimemult to 1 ;how quickly your momemtum lowers over time, 1 means 1% every second ->
;NOTE! not one "point", but percent of CURRENT value, for example 1% from momemtum of 50 (momemtum is between 0 and 100) it′s 0.5 points, and so on)

set scc.criticalchance to 20 ;critical chance multiplier in all critical calculations
set scc.StrikeDownMult to 0.1 ;chance to strike enemy down mult
set scc.BashdownMult to 0.1 ;chance to stun enemy mult
set scc.KickDownMult to 0.2 ;chance to kick enemy down mult
set scc.blockMult to 0.8 ;chance to block enemy impale mult
set scc.dodgeMult to 0.8 ;chance to dodge enemy impale mult
set scc.disarmmult to 0.1 ;chance to disarm enemy with left powerattack mult

set scc.magiccriticalmult to 1 ;addition mult for magic criticals
set scc.arrowcriticalmult to 1 ;-"- for marksman criticals
set scc.victimacromult to 1 ;not used atm
set scc.victimFlipMult to 0 ;not used atm
set scc.victimbashMult to 0.1 ;NPC bash chance mult
set scc.victimBashDownMult to 0.1 ;NPC bashes player down mult
set scc.victimDodgeMult to 0.1 ;NPC dodges player move mult
set scc.victimBlockMult to 0.1 ;NPC blocks player move mult
set scc.victimKickMult to 0.2 ;NPC kicks chance mult
set scc.victimKickDownMult to 0.1 ;NPC kicks player down mult
set scc.victimCriticalChance to 0.1 ;NPC kills player with a critical hit (impale)
set scc.victimimpalemult to 0.5 ;NPC impale likelyhood mult
set scc.victimdisarmmult to 0.1 ;NPC disarms player with left powerattack mult
set scc.victimstrikedownmult to 0.1 ;NPC strikes player down mult

;Oblivion XP support
;define the XP reward you should get from killing the lowest or highest possible level NPC with a critical hit
;DR calculates an exponent used to calculate XP you get from enemies that are between these levels, using the min and max value

;for reference, if you set them so that level55Xp = 55 * level1Xp, the experience reward grows linearly, the reward is always enemyLevel * level1Xp
;anything higher or lower, and the experience reward is exponential, level1Xp * enemyLevel^exponent, so that level1Xp * 55^exponent = level55Xp.

set scc.level1Xp to 100
set scc.level55Xp to 10000

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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:43 am

Skycapitan: I want to thank you for this wonderful mod, your mod is the sole reason that i'm addicted to oblivion for as long as i am.
You gave the player a huge amount of tactical options, made the game to a game where the player need to think and not only hack and slash.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:10 am

Skycapitan: I want to thank you for this wonderful mod, your mod is the sole reason that i'm addicted to oblivion for as long as i am.
You gave the player a huge amount of tactical options, made the game to a game where the player need to think and not only hack and slash.

Thanks, feedback like that means a lot to me when I′m feeling unmotivated, probably has saved the whole mod a couple of times. :foodndrink:
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:03 am

Thanks, feedback like that means a lot to me when I′m feeling unmotivated, probably has saved the whole mod a couple of times. :foodndrink:

Then let me throw my 2 cents in here! This mod is an amazing work of art that LITERALLY thousands have come to know and love. Thank you so much for all your hard work and I really look forward to its release! :celebration:
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:00 pm

Its getting closer!
I can't wait to see a better and more refined DR, horse combat will be awesome too.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:58 am

So, few days left before the first release?
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:09 pm

So, few days left before the first release?

In modding days that′s probably pretty much how it is - well maybe a couple more because in the end I need to write read me etc - but in real time it′s unfortunately more than that.

I wont have much time for modding during the coming week, maybe a couple of hours. Maybe a day during the week after. So in the end I guess I′m aiming to release in the end of the month, earlier if I′m lucky but I don′t want to promise anything, not yet at least. ;)
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:47 am

About the blood, you can see the in movie I posted a while back (on Youtube) that I already started using a replacer found on Tesnexus for the ground blood. But let me know if you think there′s a better one available. For the emitter texture, Sir Troy sent me his version, but I have failed (read: totally forgot) to try it yet. Again, please do post any suggestions if you come accross anything nice looking. :)

I did a research at TESNexus and combined for myself files from the following 4 mods:

Blood textures for Deadly Reflex

Deadly Reflex emitterblood


Better Blood

Here`s a short video I made to demonstrate these mods in action. Ask me for more information, which file I used, if you`re interested. I can send you the OMOD I made if you want.

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Angela Woods
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:07 pm

In modding days that′s probably pretty much how it is - well maybe a couple more because in the end I need to write read me etc - but in real time it′s unfortunately more than that.

I wont have much time for modding during the coming week, maybe a couple of hours. Maybe a day during the week after. So in the end I guess I′m aiming to release in the end of the month, earlier if I′m lucky but I don′t want to promise anything, not yet at least. ;)

Take all the time you need (the real life come first!) :) :)
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:01 pm

I did a research at TESNexus and combined for myself files from the following 4 mods:

Blood textures for Deadly Reflex

Deadly Reflex emitterblood


Better Blood

Here`s a short video I made to demonstrate these mods in action. Ask me for more information, which file I used, if you`re interested. I can send you the OMOD I made if you want.


Thanks for the search mate, I checked them out.

The first one I actually use already, it′s simply fantastic! :mohawk:

The last two are vanilla blood texture replacers so those wouldn′t be appropriate to include in DR.

The second one I′m interested in, but I must see it myself in game to decide if goes too over-the-top for my personal taste. Also I have the SirTroy′s replacer to check out, I′m going to test that one out now (actually, I wouldn′t know if they were the same replacer! :)).

BTW, that was a nice movie, it was actually the movie that made me want to try out the emitter texture replacer. :goodjob:

EDIT: Ah the SirTroy′s file is actually a replacer for the emitter itself, so it′s not a competitor for the texture. Gona check that texture now. :)
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:41 am

The first one I actually use already, it′s simply fantastic! :mohawk:

I looked through the textures of that DR blood texture replacer and I discovered this mod only changes the puddle textures 1-4. I was testing the mod and found that one of the textures of DR5 still appears: it is the unchanged bloodparticle01.dds. So I copied one of the new exciting puddle textures (number 3) and renamed it to the bloodparticle01.dds, deleting the old one. This way none of the old textures will appear anymore.

I have a question. Can you make an option available through the ini to raise the number of decals that appear after a finishing move? As you can see in the short movie there are only 3-4 blood puddles after a kill.
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:03 am

I looked through the textures of that DR blood texture replacer and I discovered this mod only changes the puddle textures 1-4. I was testing the mod and found that one of the textures of DR5 still appears: it is the unchanged bloodparticle01.dds. So I copied one of the new exciting puddle textures (number 3) and renamed it to the bloodparticle01.dds, deleting the old one. This way none of the old textures will appear anymore.

I have a question. Can you make an option available through the ini to raise the number of decals that appear after a finishing move? As you can see in the short movie there are only 3-4 blood puddles after a kill.

Really? I have to look more closely, I never noticed that. Or maybe I did and already patched it?

About the ini option, it′s just not possible, it′s a pattern not a series of puddles. Yeah I could repeat the pattern but there′s drawbacks in that approach, in addition to the repeating being pretty obvious...
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:00 am

I'll just add that it's so great to hear DR6 is so close. I really appreciate all you've done for Oblivion. I know modding is real hard work and often not very rewarding, but please know I appreciate your work! Together we are all making Oblivion something even more wonderful. :)
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:58 am

About the ini option, it′s just not possible, it′s a pattern not a series of puddles. Yeah I could repeat the pattern but there′s drawbacks in that approach, in addition to the repeating being pretty obvious...

No problem, maybe I`m a little too bloodthirsty anyway, hehe.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:26 am

No problem, maybe I`m a little too bloodthirsty anyway, hehe.

Of course, I could have the pattern have more puddles, but then I would need more textures to go with them as well, to have them look unique and not just copypasted. :)
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Post » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:32 am

I asked the creator of the textures, if he would like to create some more blood textures. Maybe he`ll see it and reply.
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