So, Todd confirmed Deadric Prince quests a while ago, but he also said that not all the princes had a quest. Who do you think will have their own quest this time? Personally, I would hope 12-13 of them, and I would like the return of Vermina, Sheogorath and Nocturnal. The rest ain't that important. So, who do you think will return to the land of the nords?
Give me Sanguine, first and foremost, then Azura, Meridia, Clavicus Vile, Sheogorath, Molag Bal, Norcurnal, Boethiah, Vaerinma, and Hircine. . .maybe Hermaeus Mora. . . and portals into pockets of each of their realms, Lesser Daedric servants for each, and eventual spells to summon said lesser Daedra, and many praises shall I sing. :bowdown:

bliviongate: :celebration: