Yep, plenty of those side quests are broken. You have to hit the right combination of dialogue/companion/quest stage/etc to get them to work...
Anyway, I am going assume that you speaking with Boyd at that stage is tagged as "telling authorities about Contreras", so try this:
set e73363.iSuppliesStatus to 6.
As reference, these are the variables in the script, so maybe you can figure where you are exactly.
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------; Contreras Corrupt Supply Officer Quest -> SupplyOfficerContrerasint iSupplyCheckOnce; 1 = has looked at supplies available onceint iContrerasTurnIn; 1 = player knows the packages are drugs; 2 = player has knowledge that Contreras is a criminal; 3 = player turned in Contreras (and he is now in jail)int iContrerasComputer; 1 = player has noteint iSuppliesStatus; 1 = quest refused/delayed; 2 = Gun Runners started; 3 = Crimson Caravan started; 4 = Drug Running started; 5 = completed quest; 6 = player told authorities about Contreras; 7 = Contreras arrested; 8 = Contreras hates playerint iGunRunnersMetal; 1 = collecting metal; 2 = done collecting metal; 3 = returned to Contrerasint iMetalTotal; # = total metal items turned in to iMedicalSupplies; 1 = Player told to find Blake at the Crimson Caravan; 2 = Player has medical supplies; 3 = Player has given medical supplies to Contrerasint iTimeA; time checked when medical supplies turned inint iTimeB; time checked when the player returns to see if Contreras is ready to continueint iTimeC; difference in time. Use GameDaysPassed as the number to store to A & B, then iSuppliesNCRAgentStatus; 1 = Agent persuaded; 2 = Agent bribed (leaves); 3 = Agent killed; 4 = Agent revealed his identity and let the player iNCRAgent; 1 = spoken with once already.; 2 = player given a choice to help Contreras; 3 = player convinced Contreras to work with agent; 4 = player decided to kill agent for Contreras; 5 = agent is dead; 6 = keller failed password and player immediately left.; 7 = player went hostile against the ranger and is now KOS.