What you people are doing is something different for once. In a market thats chalked full of military games, you are doing something different. Making an epic one-man army story with War of the Worlds and Cloverfield feel. I can't think of any other game that has done that.
What most disappointed me is the number of people complaining. Especially about that graphics. Some people on steam forums quoted that they won't buy the game because "it doesn't push their system to the limit". Are they seriously complaining about the game running really good? Some people also complained about the motion blur. I absolutely saw what you guys did. Per object motion blur. If the idiots will stop trolling people and pay a little bit attention, they may notice that objects blur out based on how fast they move. Unlike other games where they just blur the whole screen. Also the lights glare. It simulates how the eye behaves. When you look into a bright area, the brightness stays burnt in your eyes for a short time.
I can keep on going, but unfortunately, people are just too stupid to understand it. Gamers were once smart, I guess playing COD too much has killed their braincells.
Speaking of COD, those who are complaining that multiplayer is a COD copy, don't listen to them. They just played to much of the same game. Seriously, one of my friend who happened to be a COD fanatic killed 3 people in the Crysis demo, then started hammering the P button screaming "dude, i got 3 kill-streak!! where's my UAV perk???!!". I just walked out of the room.
As for the marketing, I must say it was not the best. It's just the delay which made people think that you were holding back the PC build because it was really bad, like no dedicated servers etc. I have no idea for the reason of the delay, but maybe it was to polish the game even more. If that was the case, it was time well spent.
Crytek, I have pre-ordered the game. You have never made a bad game, and there is no reason to believe that you will. As for the people complaining, don't listen to them. They are most probably console 12 year olds speaking big words to feel important. Crytek fans are with you, they are still smart, and dedicated as ever.