» Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:28 pm
You're "friends" aka the D4rK clan has no problems with it because most of them do it themselves. You really did show how garbage of a Crysis player you and D4rK are. You said you went 50-1, but you melee-glitched, but ONLY when you didn't have ammo. So thats fair right? Wrong. You still svck and you still cheated.
Half of the community doesn't glitch, only **** like you who can't compete on a balanced playing field glitch. There is a reason the melee glitch doesn't work on PC, because it was a bug in the console porting.
I have recognized many of the melee glitchers most of them are the same people who keep coming back on to do this game-breaking exploit, it's completely pathetic seeing them run around flailing their arms with punches. Anyone who does this glitch svcks a fat one at Crysis including you Noobster.
I think the best thing to do is not give any of these players the pleasure of playing a game with you, let them sit and wait in lobbies while people choose to play a different game mode, let them play against other melee glitchers until they get sick of their own medicine. Honestly this glitch has ruined this game. Even the worst player at Crysis can get 20+ kills using the melee glitch. Look at Bugster, even he got 50 kills using it, and HE IS TERRIBLE at Crysis!
Look at their YouTube channels, they have no disregard for doing the melee glitch and actually embrace doing it. They think they are good, even when they show everyone that they cheat.
As far as I'm concerned Bugster, or bichster, or Noobster you're the face of this thing now and taking you down will be the beginning of the end for this and a new day will come on Crysis 2, before the third's release.
Do you really think that just because Crysis 3 is coming out that means Crysis 2 has to go to crap? What if you actually grew up Bugster instead of saying "I wont do it cause you said not to." You sound like a 3rd grade child.
You said "The game hasn't been patched in a year so deal with it." Does that really justify using the melee glitch?
The strangest part of the whole thing is that the people in D4rK who glitch and the people in o.O that glitch sound the exact same. "LOLZ NUB" "TEH DOBLE PUNCH IS THE DEST" (Yes thats how it was spelt when sent to me).
Bugster you said, "Very often they also shot at you first." And your point is? These players have made it their primary go to weapon, a glitch. On top of all that, it's not just one of them anymore, it's a group of them and they stick together so if someone was to get lucky enough to even kill one of the glitchers, his other cheating buddy is already targeted you.
I actually do believe that Crytek might patch this, in an effort to protect the credibility of their assets. People are picking up Crysis 2 now just cause they saw the previews for 3 and are blown away. Then they come online and get glitched by some **** who has hundreds of hours played and thinks they are a "good" Crysis player, despite cheating his way to the top of the leader boards using the glitch melee.
It's players like you Bugster who are ruining this game for everyone for years to come and actually are diminishing numbers of people who will purchase Crysis 3. The biggest complaint other than the lag that I've heard is people are sick of getting punched in the back. You and I both know that if it was a regular melee they would be able to turn around before death, or close to it.
If you are seriously considered as the top tier best players on PS3 then I'm happy cause I know I am way better than you, because when I actually try I can get 20+ kills too and I don't have to use some cheap exploit to get there.
Thats why you svck Bugster, thats why everyone who uses this glitch svcks.
I can still go on and enjoy this game when there aren't any of these cheaters in the room, and if you happen to see me go ahead and say hi and you'll know you're playing against someone who has played this game from the get-go and doesn't melee glitch or cheat just to pad stats.
But for the most part I deal with it lightly and despite my belief that Crytek would be interested in maintaining there games online integrity, I have other games to play that are coming out. Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Resident Evil 6, Black Ops 2, Bioshock Infinite. By the time Crysis 3 rolls around my video game shooting skills will be top notch, where as guys like Bugster here will still be hitting the old R3 Triangle R3 or the R3 Visor R3, whatever they choose to do remember one thing....
The players that do the melee glitch have been ridiculed for it, they have chosen to ignore requests to cease doing it, therefore they have sealed their fate as the worst players in Crysis history.
My goal here is simple, for the newer players to know they are being cheated. Where does that lead us to? Well it leads us to 2 places.
1. The new player understands they are getting cheated yet continues to play out of love for the game. (rare)
2. The new player understand they are getting cheated and resort to the same cheap tactics and joins D4rK or some other garbage clan full of melee glitchers.
Alternatively what can and has happend to players who may play Crysis and never sign on to the forum or even see what we are talking about...
The new player doesn't understand they are getting cheated, quits the game and never signs on to Crysis multiplayer again, or even care to play Crysis 3.
This hurts all of us, the entire Crysis community and is just one less player to play come Crysis 3's release. As a fan of the series I can see that this franchise is only in it's infancy and has a lot of potential, I won't stand by to watch it get squandered by people who are low-self esteem and need to glitch so they can feel good about themselves and their misleading statistics.
I play Call of Duty too, why? Because there are ALWAYS people playing it. Late nights on Crysis 2 a player could be waiting 5-10 minutes for a game just to get 3 v 3. Almost everyone in the Crysis 2 community know each other, where as on COD I almost would never get into the same lobby. Does Crysis 2 have to reach COD numbers to be a success? No, but Crysis 3 needs to have more players than Crysis 2, it needs a LOT more players than 2 had. Heck even if Crysis 3 only had around 5 to 10 thousand players on at one time per platform that would be fantastic and an improvement from now which is like 500 people per platform (not including PC here).
Just because Crytek hasn't patched the game in over a year doesn't give you the right to go and ruin the game for everyone else. This is not like some single player game where you are against some CPU AI. These are other people and you need them to be there so that you can even have a game to play, without them there wouldn't be any multiplayer, and the way the melee glitchers are continuing there will be even less players playing Crysis 2 come October and November.
So Bugster, and other melee glitchers, I'm not telling you these things because I hate you, I'm telling you these things because I loved playing Crysis 2, and it's just not fun anymore when people cheat. And for the record since I know so many of the glitchers can't get this through their head, using the melee glitch is something that is intentionally indirected to cheat the other player and to conceal it without anyone knowing that you are cheating. It's not skillful, it's not talented, it's just cheating.
Any new players reading this should be weary of playing against clans with the name of D4rK, RAW, MAD, and o.O Most of the people in these clans have be known cheaters. Best to stay away from them and let them wait it out on the lobby screen. Of course, there are others who cheat and are in different clans, or in none at all but they haven't been as efficient, or aggressive enough to notice them using the glitch. The clans that I've mentioned will make it a point to kill you by melee glitch and run in packs to ensure that even if you are fortunate enough to kill a melee glitcher before he can pop that second quick punch to you, now here comes the rest of the pack and you're completely out of suit energy, good luck.
A true Crysis vet.