lol, worked up?
Nah man, why would I need to get worked up? Are you trying to convince yourself you are succesfully trolling me?
Also just to remind you this is YOUR OP. i've broken it down so you can understand yourself better lol
Here you are talking about melee
It's a NANO SUIT you can rip an HMG off a tank and kick a car over like a trash can. Hence the punch shuld be able to destroy what ever you hit. Everybody has the ability to melee. I've done it I've had it done to me a gazzilion times.
A couple of throw away lines about how hacks are bad
I think the issue really is when people MOD!!! there are some players out there I won't name names as they know who they are. Whats the point in modding thats just proves your not as good as you claim.
Then you are back talking about melee again.
The melee annoying but waaaaay more fair than mods groups. Once again i cant stress its a NANO SUIT not a recon soilder or BF3/COD. Might as welll get rid of the Air Stop if we weaken melee. Just saying.
You were talking about melee more than you were talking about hacks. Then you complain because people replying to the melee issue. Put the shovel down man
Here’s a tip, if you don’t want to discuss melee, don’t put it in your thread title, and don’t talk about it for the majority of your OP. Good luck with learning the internets