I just wanted to get on here and give a pre-emptive "thank you" to the guys and gals at Obsidian for their work on "Fallout: New Vegas." "Fallout 3," while good, wasn't quite the game for which I remember ditching college classes. I am absolutely thrilled to have the originators (at least, many of them) back at the helm for this new installment. To my way of thinking, there simply isn't a better purveyor of RPGs. Bioware, Squarenix, CD Projekt; none of these studios can hold a candle to the level of creativity and thoughtfulness that Obsidian consistently produce. My level of anticipation is almost unbearable with regards to "Fallout: New Vegas." Everything I've read about it (and I've read everything) tells of quality, and even better, hundreds of hours to spend in one of the most fascinating and engaging settings ever created.
Anyway, I really wanted to congratulate you folks on the game (which, I'm sure, will be a smashing success). I cannot wait to get a hold of it.
The Wordsmith
I'd like to get this off my chest: I absolutely loved "Alpha Protocol." If that game has anything less than 30 different endings, I'll eat my hat. How a game like "Alpha Protocol," with its complex, bifurcating storyline could be dismissed by critics while tripe like "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" receives accolades for its poorly construed plot and simian dialogue is beyond my ken. I nearly fell out of my chair from laughter the first time I heard Steven Heck say, "Hey, buddy, you like those TV cookin' shows?" And Michael Thorton's line about not wanting to shoot bellboys because, "They look like sad little clowns," is hands down some of the best writing to come out of gaming in a long, long time.
As for the critics' mention of "game-breaking bugs," well, I honestly did not encounter them. The graphics were serviceable, if not stellar. But, if I wanted beauty and not brains, I'd go to the aforementioned "Call of Duty" camp. And if you don't enjoy turning invisible, sidling up to a terrorist, and then stabbing them in the face without repercussion, well, you're just letting the best moments in gaming pass you by.