I can't watch a single crysis 2 video without a PC elitist coming on and saying, " If you play this on a console you're a ****". Really? So what your saying is you would rather this be limited to people who can only afford high end PC's. And sure a 600$ PC could run it to, but not to the quality so many of you PC elitists say Crysis can achieve. To be honest, I would rather play Crysis 2 with the graphics it has now on my xbox than by a high end PC to make it look just a little better.
Truth is i don't want to hate you guys. I want to come on gamesas.com and talk about a game with everyone. I don't think there should ever be divisions in a community. Now that perfectly fine if you PC players want tro talk about settings and all that cool stuff, but we enjoy this just as much as you do and we are ecstatic to see this franchise come to consoles. Give us a chance, we are not all bad.
The problem isn't the graphics alone and the elitism. PC gamers tend to hate you because consoles are wrecking PC games for us in every possible way. Consoles always have to have their games dumbed down from the PC version for you console players to be able to play them, your Xbox and PS3s cannot handle games like a computer can, both technically since you're running on 5 year old hardware, and gameplay wise because a controller doesn't offer half the precision and openess a mouse + keyboard offers.
The problem begins at the consoles because they're so mainstream, a lot of companies simply shift focus off the PC in order to take advantage of mindless masses you guys represent. Not only are you more, a lot of you will just buy anything that gets thrown your way no matter how crappy (I'd say because hardly any of you ever spent some time as a PC gamer, so your standards are pretty non-existant. If you'd do that, you wouldn't be albe to pick a console again because you'd realize how crappy a console experience is in comparison), and since you're running locked down hardware, companies are free to push all kinds of paid DLC while on the PC, due to the openess of the platform and the modding community, we can make our own content. So while you guys pay $15 for 5 new maps every 3-4 months, we can literally make hundreds of them in the same time, all for free, and many of them with the typical indie feeling you wouldn't get otherwise if it were made by a company. Not only maps, but weapons, game modes, game modifiers and even completely new games all together. Since 2000 Counter-Strike is the titan of online play on the PC and a game that's worth several billions now, started off as a mod based on the Half-Life game and engine by a handful of enthusiastic players.
The real part of the problem is when companies start cattering to you. Yes you've always been and probably always be considered the "amateur league" because your games and your controllers cannot compete on the PC. But since you're more and sorry for the bluntness, more stupid and eager to throw their money on to anything, you guys get the primary development of the game while the PC is left with the scraps. This has ruined several franchises the PC had, COD beeing the best example of that. A game that started off as a PC exclusive with all the right things to be the titan for years to come, is now half of what it should be in gameplay terms, the online component is pure **** since they decided to take out dedicated servers in order to replace with P2P gaming the consoles have, there's no evolution of the genre since you guys are buying them year after year without thinking twice about it, and the game is now as complex as tetris.
Basically, when companies start making games for consoles, it's the PC gamers that suffer. We have better machines capable of more and more complex games in every aspect there is, and we're not getting them because you consolers are holding us back since 2006 with your outdated hardaware, clumsy and limited controllers and retarded mentality. What you guys consider a great game, we consider it **** because we have higher standards on machines that do more, and did so already. Any game from pre-2006 is ten times better and more fun than 80% of the games released afterwards, CS is still beeing played by dozens of thousands after 11 years and the competitive scene is as strong as it ever was. And most games that come out these days cannot even hope to create such a great game as the one a few community members of a game created 11 years ago.
Crysis. This is another example of a franchise beeing dumbed for the PC due to consoles. A lot of you people probably never even seen a screenshot of Crysis 1, and yet right it looks 5 times better than Crysis 2 does because the engine was PC exclusive and it was free to push the boundaries of our hardware creating photorealistic enviroments. Maps were colossal, as in several miles/kilometers wide and completely open to take any approach you want, how you want, from wherever you want. The nanosuit as twice capabilities the options the current nanosuit does. This is all gone because WE are beeing limited by YOUR hardware. Just another example of a great game turning to **** because consolers arrived and companies want to milk as much money as they can from those mindless mobs.
That's why PC gamers hate you.