Dearest Devs: Can we get a crash log, pretty please?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:32 am

Hello! Just throwing this into the aether. Something that would be beyond helpful when not only playing, but making mods for Fallout 4, would be some sort of crash log. With Skyrim, the infamous Crash To Desktop can happen for any number of reasons, from a bad vertex in a mesh, to a missing master, to being out of memory, but nothing is ever logged anywhere, so it's a massive guessing game.

So, instead of a catchall that exits the game with no error message or log, is there any way we could get at least a very vague Error.log for unhandled exceptions? Specifically for things like:

  • Memory allocation issues / running of out VRAM or system RAM
  • Missing masters / dependencies in ESP/ESM plugins
  • Script trying to access a property or formID that is no longer in the game
  • Any other common crash issue

That is, assuming that Fallout 4 may encounter these kinds of issues.

I know that being this close to release, the launch builds are probably long complete, and the disc duplication has probably been months in the making, etc. but perhaps this is an idea for a future update/patch :D


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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:09 am

As a Mod creator I would like to add my request, please have one of your senior programmers take on a secret identity on the forums (secret so this is not a legal back lash on your company?) and answer some freaking questions on the Mod creation forums.

We mod makers waste hundreds of hours of work going in the wrong direction all too often. Modding would be so much less frustrating if we could get some straight answers once in a while.

And before anyone says I am legally or practically asking too much...

In Skyrim we DO have one Bethesda senior programmer for scripting but he is limited to a very narrow aspect of the game. His answers for most questions (I have seen in the forums or asked myself) are VERY OFTEN 'that is not my area of knowledge, sorry I do not know'. (" I have no control over that, sorry" is even his motto on his personal stats page. :confused: )

Mod makers have contributed a great deal to your games. That is OK with me. I get an open game with tools and permissions to mod your game so I can play GAME DEVELOPER and you get to crowd source some new cool ideas. That is the agreement mod makers and Bethesda has with each other.

So why not make it a little easier for us?

Thank you, for what ever you can do for us.

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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:52 pm

I'm not a mod maker, but there was a really cool mod for NV called New Vegas Anti Crash. Which did exactly that. The modder logged crash logs which were dumped into a file in the NV directory and Players could post them to the mod page, he'd then make a new version with the updated fixes which made the game far more playable. If F4 has a crash log already built into it, modders could create patches or we could simply post issues we find directly to the Issue forums so you guys know what's wrong and could patch it yourselves without scratching your heads wondering how we got said error.

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Danny Blight
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:26 pm

Hopefully with mods going to consoles.... I shall bite my tongue, they will be a lot more open and supportive more than ever with the modding community. Not a modder myself but the work they do is amazing, and I am sure a vast majority of fallout players would back the modders. More so with consoles now as well.

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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:14 am

Great idea but WAY too late in the dev process for this to happen.....they are weeks from going Gold....

I dare say that Bethesda building in the ability to accept mods easily and giving away the tools to make them for free is more than enough "support" for the modding community. As long as they don't stand to make a dime on mods (yes, that could change and is the subject of another debate), expecting them to do more is just wishful thinking, but I guess it's ok to dream.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:14 am

It's been known for a bit that the CK has been given out to some of the big modders so the important ones are already learning the new kit.

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:56 pm

They did the same thing for Skyrim. Take a look at the questions (even today, 4 years latter) in the Skyrim creation kit forum. Even our Elite programmers (the skse guys) are still running into problems and having to make guesses.

In some cases the most early mods (based on guess work) are now considered to be "toxic" and players are warned not to use them as they "will corrupt your save game". These mods are still being downloaded on many popular mod sites.

As I already said I am grateful for what ever Bethesda does for us mod makers, it is way more than most other companies will do. I only said that it would be beneficial to everyone if we got more "insider" answers sometimes and did not have to make as many guesses. Then we could spend more time actually being productive rather than the frustration of trial and error.


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Steven Hardman
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:27 am

Are you serious? Ah what I wouldn't give. I have so many plans for F4 mods, but got into the Skyrim modding scene too late so I never built anything for FO3/NV.

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Sian Ennis
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