This will also serve as a sign up thread for those interested . You can find details and rules further down the page .
I would also like to thank Lycan for his creative input...and for letting me nick his dynamic "Sanity System" .... or maybe he didn't! heck , in it goes anyway!
WHAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE... ( Optional to read )
On the sixth of First Seed , 423 , in the Third Era , A man was found by Anvil Ranger's just east of the city's main port , washed up on the beach and unconcious . The man , of whom called himself "Zedrof Gregan" , became increasingly mentally unstable when he awoke , and was put in a dungeon cell for safe keeping until further notice .
On that very night , shriek's and cries resonated through the city dungeon . They were described as being so unearthily horrific that guard's refused to enter the building all night , and that more then one person screaming could be heard , despite the fact that Zedrof was the only person occupying a cell in the dungeon at that time . Guard's overheard Zedrof screaming of "the horror of the Zennica" and "The awoken demons from that massacre years ago"
The next morning , Guardsmen found him dead in his cell , his skull split . Guard's claimed that "The 'ol man musta popped his noggin an' beat his head against the bar's 'o the cell door and killed himself" yet the man's motive for such a unnerving and brutal suicide was unknown . The death became the talk of the town for many day's , and was grounds for much speculation . In the end however , it was dismissed that the elderly man was mentally unstable and had commited the act out of mental retardation .
2 week's later , a shrill scream rang out from the Countess of Anvil's chamber . Guardsmen rushed in to find the Countess curled into a ball in the rooms corner , tearing at her hair . She was brought down from her room and calmed down , whereupon she went into detail about "A cosmic and terrific apparation that drew forth from her mirrior like a fine mist with eyes of purest light"
She was disregarded as having had a nightmare , but when a loud howl-like shriek was heard from the room mere minutes after the Countess having vacated it , the Guards again rushed up into her quarter's .
They found the room ransacked and in a mess , and a worn and water-dampened diary placed gently upon her pillow . Upon hearing of this , The Countess ordered the chamber's to be bricked off , and she moved to a different wing of the castle entirely .
The leather bound diary was taken to the Captain of the Guard , Berros Elecstros . He retired to his home to read it in his study overnight . The next morning , he was found dead , slumped over his desk with the book still in his hand , the words "I CANNOT BARE THE TERROR'S" written in blood on his wall . His young daughter was found butchered in her crib , and his wife hanging from a high-beam in the kitchen .
But what story could of possibly drawn a man to do such an act? What horrific and dark tale could of triggered these haunting event's? To possibly comprehend these terror's , you must travel back . Journey back to this tale . It is your story . Your story of...
The Zennica .
THE PAST IS NOW ( Please read this )
3E , 98
You sit with your legs crossed , digging into a tasty meal . On the table lies a pamphlet and a ticket to what will soon be remembered as the greatest ship the empire has ever built . The Zennica is the pinnacle of ingenuity , celebrating the crowning of the new emperor Antochius . You look again at the pamphlet , marvelling at the image of the ship . Coloured blue and gold , it looks regal and luxurious . Tickets were not cheap , this is a rare oppurtunity .
It will be "The adventure of a lifetime" and "A fitting beginning to a new emperor's reign" as the pamphlet reads . You've never been on a cruise before...but the ship is planned to sail around all of Tamriel .
3 days later
There is cheering and happiness abound as you take the first step's onto the board walk . Its late at night and the Zennica is about to start it's voyage from the port of anvil . Lamp's litter the street and buildings behind you . A band play's melodic music as people sitting at tables outside pub's raise their glasses to you with a grin . Streamers fly through the air as you continue to cross the bridge over the water and onto the great ship . There are many people around , most of them bidding farewell to friends and family . The moon hangs ominously in the starless night sky , bathing the port in luminous white glow .
You take your first step onto the behemoth , and your hand is grabbed and firmly shook by a man in a luxurious looking blue burgundy outfit . He must be the Captain . "Welcome aboard , and enjoy your time here" he beams , giving you a light but well-meaning push so he can shake the hand of the others who are behind you .
You sign in at reception and head to your room .
3 day's later
Your looking out at open sea . It's early in the morning . The ship is even bigger than you had imagined...but you have seen some queer folk aboard . They are all dressed the same in deep red robes ... their faces hidden . They don't talk to anyone but themselves and walk with a strange limp . Could they be a religious group of sorts? maybe bodyguard's to a noble onboard... your unsure .
16 hours later
Not much has happened during the day...but you can't help but hear a strange thrumming from below decks , possibly in the hold . It had gotten louder and louder over the course of the last few hours , and you have also noticed the sea's are getting choppier . Despite this , the Captain has organised a formal gathering in the Ballroom so that everyone may mingle and get to know each other . There are many on the ship with you , 1950 including crew . The scale is truly massive .
You head to the Ballroom . The dance shall begin shortly and you think the prospect of perhaps mingling and making new friends could prove to your advantage...
Seeing as this is a sign up thread , the ballroom will act as a means for players who have been approved by me to start talking to each other and providing some possibilities for them to get to know each other . That way , when I have approved of everyone ( Im allowing 15 , and 15 only! ) , we can dive straight into the action in good knowledge of other peoples character's .
I will once again take ( or rather steal ) a page from Lycans book by narrating this RP without having a real character . I will control all major encounters and sanity...but the rest is down to you . I might post objectives from time to time but you dont exactly have to follow them . If your character's sanity gets too low I may PM you with a "target" within the group your character will try to kill , so stay sane!
All is normal now...but once I feel we have enough characters , all hell will break loose onboard the ship . An experience so hellish it is what caused the captain of the guard to kill himself based off what he read from the diary those many years later .
Beware that this is a "mature" RP . So the more "extreme" levels of romance are allowed , as is gratuitous violence , and swearing . Below are the rules and character sheet . Oh , , have a map of the ship! Your all in that big room that say's "ballroom" . Have a drink! Have a dance! Err...that is after I have approved your sheet .
1. Post all character sheets to me , and do not post them before my approval .
2. Please use the character sheet provided .
3. No spam , flame , ect. Keep OOC's minimal
4. My word is law , obey it! Refuse to and you will be disembowled / drowned / beaten with a blunt stick / severley laughed at
5. Use grammar and spelling to the best of your capability . This shouldnt be too big a problem as I will only accept sheet's that have good spelling , so make a good first impression .
6.Have fun!
7. Any other common sense that I may of missed in my tiredness
Character Sheet :
Name :
Age :
Race :
Sanity : ( Did Lycan give me permission to use this? I forgot..anyhoo! ) Put down 100 here . As you lay witness to certain traumatising or stressfull events during the course of the RP you will loose sanity points . Loose too much sanity , and it will have severe mental repercussions on your character . I will explain this in further depth below .
General Appearance : ( eyes , height , weight , overall "look" ect. )
Personality :
Clothing : ( "wat no amor!" you say? Thats right . This is a pleasure cruise , not a battleship . You may notice distinct lack of weapons too . You will have to use anything you find at hand in this RP , you dont board the ship in full daedric with a big longsword )
Miscellanious items :
Miscellanious Info : ( anything you want to add about your character )
Biography : ( just a short one...explain how/why your on the ship and stuff )
Feel free to add anything . Class info is welcome.
Emperor Jim : Lucien Asturias is a cowardly and snobbish imperial , hailing from a noble family . He has joined the journey to see the world in relative safety .
Kinghobo : Andrea Veronique , a young woman with both imperial and redguard heritage , is the daughter of a count who owns a small town . She is rather spoilt and stuck-up , and has joined the journey because of the prospect of meeting new people .
Canzeri : Walter Beldingford III is a esteemed and important critic for the black horse courier . Rich and snobbish , he also shares a love for adventure and travel not seen in many other members of his high social status .
DarthRavanger : Sarel Saronyi is a hlaalu dunmer merchant who made his wealth in the fish industry . Slightly paranoid , but also attentive and patient towards other's , he is prone to coughing fit's .
The Bladeweaver : Uther Eldern is a stoic , military breton good with mysticism and destruction spells . He is now on temporary leave to rest up for any future missions in his career , and believed that a cruise on The Zennica would be ideal .
MAD MAX : Lord Thoris is a skilled Altmer with a thirst for adventure and gentle to the ladie's . He thought an cruise on the high-sea's would do him well as his parent's used to take him out on all kinds of voyages when he was young .
THE SANITY SYSTEM ( read this too! ) (( "borrowed" from Lycan ))
As you lose sanity in this RP you will become more mentally unstable . Become too unstable and you may end up trying to kill everyone...or taking your own life . For example , lets say your character has 100 sanity and something happens to you.... I will write somehting along the lines of this .
Superspartan walks downed the blackened hallways of the ship , suddenly a half-eaten corpse drops from the ceiling and lands on him! he loses 10 sanity points
Obviously I will write more in depth , and I wont accept anyone with the name "Superspartan" . that your on 90 sanity can consult the chart below to find out just how close to complete insanity is :
100 Fine . All is well , your just as you were when you boarded the ship
90 Slightly unnerved but otherwise unaffected . You might jump and be a bit edgy but your mostly cool
80 Your getting stressed out..maybe you should take a deep breath..
70 The ships taking its toll on you , your leaping at shadows
60 Your starting to shiver and the stress levels are rising quickly
50 Your teeth start pvssyring and you cant walk straight . The groups having its doubts about you .
40 You keep feeling things touch you that arent there and cant think straight...keep it together!
30 Are those voices real or in your head? You cant tell , but you cant stop twitching . Now your really losing it
20 You have little remaining strains of sanity left . The voices are telling you to kill and there are rats in the walls!
10 Your a gibbering lunatic , people have either left you behind or killed you at this point...if you havent killed them first!
0 Completely stalk the halls of the ship like a possessed monster! Or maybe you couldnt cope and killed yourself?
However! You can GAIN sanity by staying in light places , conversing with friends , or drinking yourself into a stupor . These things may be a rare occurence however . I will decide when to give someone a sanity boost or not .
Righto I believe thats it . Post me those sheet's and we can get some converse between characters . Im too lazy and too tired to edit anything in now , but I may add and fix some stuff in the morning ( which is about 3 hours away anyway ) . besides , I think its all sussed .