death claw's or cazador's ?

Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:03 pm

Cazador. Really, really tough to hit without using VATS, I'd say I make -maybe- 6 of 10 snap shots on Cazador.

Deathclaw on the other hand are pretty hard to miss, and pretty much beeline straight at you.

As for weapons, I generally use a Shotgun with Magnum for Cazador, and .45-70 SWC Brush Gun for Deathclaw.

Not saying I use VATS for every last kill because that would be tediously easy and slow but surely if your going into a real battle then its the way forward.

Also is it not VATS that stops Fallout being just another mindless COD wanna be? 2 shots here 2 there and a sneaky 1 in dudes face just for luck! It adds to the RPG element, fancy turn based combat as you still take damage and even die!

I'd like to see someone take on 4 Deathclaws up close on hard-hardcoe mode as oppose to 6 Cazadores! Absolutely no contest, the angry claw wins hands down!!!
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liz barnes
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:07 pm

A Deathclaw takes a single well placed .308 JSP, or .44 SWC, round to put down at long range. So does a Cazador, but try doing it sometime.

The Giant Green Geckos from Zion have them both beat at any rate.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:34 pm

A Deathclaw takes a single well placed .308 JSP, or .44 SWC, round to put down at long range. So does a Cazador, but try doing it sometime.

The Giant Green Geckos from Zion have them both beat at any rate.

If you're playing on low difficulties, perhaps...

claiming that the Giant Green Geckos are harder is pretty nonsensical - deathclaws are faster, stronger, and more armored versions of them, and cazadors are faster, harder to hit and have stronger poison. The Giant Green Gecko is like a wannabe deathclaw/cazador mix that isn't as deadly as either of them. Still annoying though.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:49 am

A Deathclaw takes a single well placed .308 JSP, or .44 SWC, round to put down at long range. So does a Cazador, but try doing it sometime.

The Giant Green Geckos from Zion have them both beat at any rate.

Heres a tip: All Geckos(Fire, Green and Gold), All Feral Ghouls(Reavers and Roamers), Yao Gui, Nightkin and Cazadors have 0 DT. Even a lowly 9MM SMG with HP rounds will slaughter them beyond fast. So put that rifle/shotgun away and pull out a Full Auto weapon with HP.
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City Swagga
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:11 pm

Heres a tip: All Geckos(Fire, Green and Gold), All Feral Ghouls(Reavers and Roamers), Yao Gui, Nightkin and Cazadors have 0 DT. Even a lowly 9MM SMG with HP rounds will slaughter them beyond fast. So put that rifle/shotgun away and pull out a Full Auto weapon with HP.

Good point...Ha, get it?

Yes, that was bad...

Even the Ratslayer, with the right perks and gunskill, will will take out the GGG with a HP to the head.
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:37 am

At 100 Guns skill a full upgraded 9mm SMG will do 85 dmg in a single VATS attack. Grunt perk will take that to 105. HP rounds will take that to 180. Shoot the head and it goes to 360. That will kill any Gecko, reaver,Yao Gui or Cazador with ONE VATS burst. Two if you aim for the body
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:43 am

i'll have to say deathclaws i just take out cazadores with plasma rifle in vats aiming for the torso
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:01 pm

cazadores give me a lot of trouble due to their posion.
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