I got that much, but I'm talking abpout a subchange within the change of leaper demon to Dagon. Remember how in Battlespire he seemed a lot more intelligent and strategic? Where in 2920 and Oblivion he was just balls-out slaughter? It's both destruction, both the same goals, but different in the details. What I mean is that "killing," insomuch as is possible, a Daedra Lord still is that thing, but embodied differently (slaughter to subversion and back). My question is, does that influence anything in the Mortal World? For example, is that why Jagar Tharn is an awesome, subversive schemer while CXamoran is just a nutty cultist?
Never played Battlespire, never looked into the Lore of it either. Dagon, he is just trying different approaches, I assume. Somehow I dont think you can destroy his Battlespire avatar and remove his cleverness and then destory his avatar in Oblivion and rid him of his brute force approach. I doubt getting his you know what banishes back affects him in any such way. And I know of no way to kill a part of him that is clever or brutaly head on or whatnot. If there is a way, I havent come across it. But dont ask me, I am still new to this; I know some things but I am not as familiar with all this as it might sound

For example, is that why Jagar Tharn is an awesome, subversive schemer while CXamoran is just a nutty cultist?
I think Dagon is just trying new ways of doing it because the previous one failed and picks the type of people according to his scheme; clever Tharn for clever scheme and a nutty cultist for a nuts, brutal head on invasion. I seriously doubt his cleverness was in any way lessened after Battlespise and he had to resort to brutality becuase there was no choice for clever plan. If thats the effect that these banishings have on him, than I feel sorry for him for he will never complete his crusade that way. If these banishings were effecting him in such a way, he'd probably know about it and be more careful. Note that this is speculation on my behalf, so get a second opinion.