I do not know if this is common to expect in mostly any barrow or catacomb containing death draugs, but do you get an instant death if its shout hits you? It is very hard to avoid their shout if I can't find a place to hide behind to dodge it. This also happens whenever his/her blade hits my character-instant death. I assumed every draugh that had death in the name had an insta-kill shout, but not all of them do this. I'm trying to complete the "soarthal amulet" quest where it is tricky to avoid the draugh archer that uses shouts. When I encountered him the first time, it was just unrelenting force, but when I try to defeat him again, he has unrelenting force and the kill shout and I cannot escape until I finish the fight against him and another draugh. Was this intended or could this be a glitch? I have been able to defeat draugh like this before, but with less room to move around it becomes very challenging.