Is it just me, or did you hate the ragdoll effect the deaths had in oblivion? It seemed so obnoxiously unrealistic, I actually didnt like to kill people! Idk if it was a joke or just a really big step backwards, but I hope its fixed in skyrim.
Is it just me, or did you hate the ragdoll effect the deaths had in oblivion? It seemed so obnoxiously unrealistic, I actually didnt like to kill people! Idk if it was a joke or just a really big step backwards, but I hope its fixed in skyrim.
I mean, I guess the ragdoll is better than just a regular animation... but i think the bodies should remain a bit more solid when they die. So that they dont end up flopping around like a bag in the wind and vibrate uncontrollably haha
I mean, I guess the ragdoll is better than just a regular animation... but i think the bodies should remain a bit more solid when they die. So that they dont end up flopping around like a bag in the wind and vibrate uncontrollably haha
Ah i understand, you want more realistic ragdoll, well i'd like that too i guess.
Agree with the OP. Every time I one shotted someone with a bow, they went flying(either backwards or straight up) and If I had an enchanted arrow with an area affect? Forget it! They would fly after getting hit by it.
I mean, I guess the ragdoll is better than just a regular animation... but i think the bodies should remain a bit more solid when they die. So that they dont end up flopping around like a bag in the wind and vibrate uncontrollably haha
I understand what you're saying.... I hated when the bodies would move uncontrollably effect too, but for the most part, I thought that they did a pretty good job with the deaths.....
I remeber I also played Gothic 3 at that time & there dead animals were wobbling down when you killed them at a hillside. Like was ridiculous. I believe they had no skeleton after death any more.
Is it just me, or did you hate the ragdoll effect the deaths had in oblivion? It seemed so obnoxiously unrealistic, I actually didnt like to kill people! Idk if it was a joke or just a really big step backwards, but I hope its fixed in skyrim.
Fixed! In some old interview the author mentioned a guy falling on his knees horribly bleeding and the falling on then ground. FACEPLANT! :celebration: direct quata(spelling?) "A good hit led to the enemy bleeding heavily. Eventually he sank down, sits on his knees for a short moment before he falls down." edit: thanks hvlr for translation!
I hated it when I hitted someone with that enchanted dagger from the first or second Dark Brotherhood quest. The body just went into air - by a dagger ._. direct quata(spelling?) "A good hit led to the enemy bleeding heavily. Eventually he sank down, sits on his knees for a short moment before he falls down."
Hah I thought everyone was just being a jerk. I didn't know that's really what it's called. It's great though, add's a lot of AI into a simple thing like death animations.
You know the part in the vid where the little dude is being hit by the lines and is stumbling back? Yeah, that's what I want it to look like when I shoot someone with an arrow in the shoulder.
During the E3 footage it seemed that lightning magic made Draugr go flying, but when he killed the bandits with a bow or the wolves earlier held to the ground nicely. It may be magic, but we still have 5 mos to find out.