
Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:52 pm

Hello y'all, last night I was wondering about a lot of crap when this came to my mind. I decided to make a topic about it and I'm very curious about others their thoughts on this particular subject. This doesn't apply to power players of course.

When your character dies, what do you do? This question only counts for people who roleplay of course. Do you reload your save or do you make a new character, because let's face it: in real life you can't ''reload a save'' either. I don't think any of those things are wrong, I'm just curious what you guys think about it.

Oh and yes, in case you haven't notice, I'm new. Don't mind my English!
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Bee Baby
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:24 pm

I do RP, quite heavily in fact. But I never let my character vanish because of some stupid mistake of mine, like going into battle unprepared. Like I stated so many times, it′s just a game :)

Welcome to the forums by the way, and have a
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:00 pm

Dead is dead vs reload.

Dead is dead is a good path for some, but not for me and my character. If I played dead is dead, I would never allow my character to venture beyond the walls of her little town. I view reloading if required to be every bit as realistic as casting a fireball or healing with a spell. It is a fantasy world with its own rules and we embrace those.

That said, my character certainly fears death - to the point that in her 600 hours she has never experienced it. Yes, she plays carefully; I'm not sure she realizes that I would reload her if in a heartbeat if required.

I'm sure dead is dead can increase intensity, but my problem is that my roleplaying is probably already too intense. Lol.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 pm

I normally go for a reload when Sabarel dies, although this does happen very rarely she can sometimes be a bit squashy if things get to close to her. I RP with her all the time and just put it down to a vision of the future if she dies so she knows what is going to go wrong so she can change it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 pm

Would never play dead is dead, did enough of that back in the day when games were hard as nails, but you had no emotional connection, and the only reward was high score or finishing. Something like Oblivion is more of a virtual life than a game in the old sense. I have one save at the house, and one in the field, so if you die in a dungeon, start it again ( effectively re-do the level ) is enough for me.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:48 pm

I once tried to play dead is dead and Sally-Anne died very bravely at level 16 fighting two Clannfears as was heart broken. :ohmy:
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:38 pm

I only play dead is dead,some characters don't get too far.
I have had characters get up to around level 40 before they retired at there homes,never dieing once.
It's just more fun like that for me.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 pm

in real life you can't ''reload a save'' either.

While this is completely true, video games are not real life. This game also isn't meant to model real life AND they GIVE YOU a mechanic to keep your character around... so...

When my characters die, I reload saves.
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steve brewin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:48 am

I usually start up a dead is dead character when the game starts to get a little boring. You definitely play differently when you know you could lose all of your progress if you do something stupid.
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candice keenan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:16 pm

I hate the idea of playing dead-is-dead. It's fine if other people like it, but I would never ever play that way. I roleplay pretty heavily but I'm also not super careful about what I do. I also run MMM while I play, which makes things a lot harder at low levels. It would take the fun out of it for me. I usually put a lot of time into designing the appearance of a character and finding the perfect armor or clothing mod to fit them, and I make a character with certain goals and characteristics in mind, if they don't achieve those goals, then I put all that time and effort just into making a specific appearance just for them to die.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:39 pm

I always reload, because I see it as a waste of time to just toss a character out because you died 15 hrs into your game and sometimes it can be a lot more than 15 hrs.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:59 pm

Hats off to those who do, but not me. I like to play a bit dangerously (maybe even recklessly) sometimes, so it's really not my cup of tea.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:55 pm

I suspect that most of us save and reload more than we admit to. There's no essential difference between reloading after a character dies, and reloading until you get the sigil stone you want. It's all about controlling the outcome. We play games, and most of us don't expect the game to be like life, and most of us don't want to lose over one bad roll of the dice.

Having said that, I often start "challenge characters" who are dead-is-dead, and some of them actually survive. I like to push the envelope, and explore the edges of what's possible in Oblivion. So I create weak characters who have "bad" birthsigns, no fighting ability, etc., and then see how well they make it in their world. One of my recent characters retired at about level 20, having made it through the Mages Guild questline as an Altmer Apprentice, without ever dying.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:18 pm

Dead is Dead player here! My only exception is if my character dies because of a game glitch.

Playing dead is dead forces me to really think about what I'm doing, at all times. I go thru the game usually very slowly. Walking instead of running everywhere (like my nephew), studying a new Ayleid ruin's design for traps instead of just waltzing in. I get very attached to my characters after months (sometimes years) of play, so if one dies it's obviously an emotional moment.

Here's my itinerary (if anyone cares)...:)

Lady Anne
: my first Oblivion character. Forget which race she was, but she got to Level 3. She probably died several times, but I was not playing dead is Dead with her. As my first character, I had her "retire" in Chorrol after delivering the Amulet, so she never officially died.

Renee Gade: 2nd character, an Imperial. Renee was a "jack of all trades" who was trying to take on every quest at the same time. I was not a dead is Dead player yet, so she died/reloaded many times. I had her commit suicide after getting to Level 16 or 17. Her game was very distracting for me because of all the directions & quests, plus I was really hating the leveling system by them.

Renee Gade II: Nord this time. Tried to model her off of Xena, but couldn't get Xena's hair style in vanilla game. lol. She was my first dead is DEAD character. I had her concentrate on Fighter's Guild and KotN. She officially died fighting Umaril. :( She had dozens of potions at the time at her various houses (invisibility, healing, etc.) but I was too lazy to collect them all before the epic battle.

Igodah Go^Pe: high elf, head of the Mage's Guild, started the MQ. Never officially died, but her game got affected by the A-bomb glitch. She was literally in one of the final MQ towers when a door would not open for her. She had like 350+ hours on her game (lesson learned). I was so livid. :mad: I RP'd it that she did die though, stuck in that tower.

Dyan phor a' Cauz: my red-headed Nord paladin, mostly doing FG and KotN, currently level 7 or 8. She's still going, although I'm taking a long break from her game.

Wanda Bone: My redguard slave/theif. Illiterate. despite being a theif, she hated the idea of joining the TG, so she was this free character with no goals other than to steal. Paranoid all the time. She never officially died, but I accidently erased all her game saves. :(

Luci Pheria: dark elf witch. Level 4 or 5. She was kinda like Wanda in that she never took on quests. Just sort of a free-for-all character. She never officially died, but when she became a vampire, I lost interst in her game. The whole vampire thing in Oblivion is sort of an epic fail for me because it's not gorey enough. :shrug: She's currently somewhere lost in the Great Forest. ;)

Beujock the Grey Wizard: My first male character. Level 7. :lol: Obvioulsy my replacement for Igodah: MG and MQ stuff mostly. He's still with me, matter of fact I'm with him now.

Lou Zehr: Second male character. He's another theif, and I just started him last week. He will do the TG. Since he's not really an adventurer, the risk of him dying is pretty low at the moment.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 pm

Um... well, I keep saying I'll play dead is dead. Trouble is, there are two factors keeping me from doing so. 1. I prefer to play dead is dead with randomly generated characters, and reload with characters who already exist (either in my own head or in other canons). 2. Lately, I'm more interested in playing with the latter type of character.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:04 pm

I've played Dead is Dead, and yeah, it's fun.

However, now that I've found a character that really speaks to me, I've grown rather fond of her company when I journey Cyrodiil. So hell no, if she were to die, I'd resurrect her in a heartbeat. That said, she's never died yet.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 pm

It's pretty hard to die in this game.... I play at 75% difficulty, level 30 cap, my character died once, only because I was fighting alongside a rocky crag, got stuck in the landscape, and died at the hands of two skeleton champions. Of course I reloaded. Now if I died legitimately, I would definitely create another character.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:53 pm

As others have said, I put too much time and effort into my characters to simply abandon playing them because I got distracted and fell off a cliff without noticing what was happening. It is a game. I play it to have fun. That said, my character's rarely die in Oblivion (it is far more often in FO3).
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patricia kris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 pm

I reload.

I just can't stomach "Dead is dead." Like 'Rosa, I put too much time into my characters to ditch them because of some burly orc giving him a good cleave from behind.

Dead is Dead also prevents me from getting attached from my characters, and that distancing reminds me more that this is a game; I don't want to be distanced from my characters.

Oh, and I've also made it significantly easier to get killed in my game, as well. It actually just happened on my latest character, when I most brutally discovered that orcs now have a very unpleasant knack of taking off about 3/4 of my hit-points with a single power attack, and my character is not exactly skimpy on the health, either.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:44 am

That said, my character's rarely die in Oblivion (it is far more often in FO3).

Yes. This. I think I've died twice in Oblivion in the past four characters. I got beat to death, backed into a toilet stall by a Mirelurk Hunter the other day. Sigh, died on the toilet.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:18 am

Yes. This. I think I've died twice in Oblivion in the past four characters. I got beat to death, backed into a toilet stall by a Mirelurk Hunter the other day. Sigh, died on the toilet.

Just like that Protectron went, after shatting out some scrap metal! Where was that, the Robco factory?
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:27 am

I actually like the "idea" of dead-is-dead but would never implement it in Oblivion. I've come more and more to think the whole death system as implemented in these games is ill advised. Instead of actually dying, why not only severely wounded? The avatar would remain unconscious long enough for enemies to vacate the immediate area (assuming the injury occurs in combat). Upon revival, the avatars skills and abilities are severely gimped, such that he or she can't engage in combat with much hope of besting any but the weakest foe. What's more, these "wounds" are not self-healing. The avatar must instead make his or her slow way to a major cathedral (or maybe one special cathedral or Daedric Shrine) and be restored by a deity. This of course would never fly in a commercially released game, but it would make for darn good role-play.

An alternative might be that upon death the avatar is transported before his deity by some Tamriel version of the Valkyrie, there to stand judgment. Should he prove worthy, the deity might or might not bestow some reward such as temporary but long lasting (several in-game days) skill and/or stat increases. Should he prove unworthy he might suffer temporary but long lasting decreases. Following judgment the avatar would be restored to his body, fully healed.

Of the two I think I prefer the first. It seems less susceptible to cheating. Its flaw is that should the avatar receive a crippling wound when surrounded by enemies who do not wander off, he or she is hosed. That would need to be worked around. Either method is, for me, better than the current load screen ... from a purely role-play perspective.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 pm

Considering the linear amount of deaths i have i don't need to worry. but IF i do die i normally reload and try it again. And it is most likely i will make hundreds of more characters afterward for diversity in my play style
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:59 pm

Dead is dead is not compatible with my customary HP capping (normally between 100 - 200 hp) for increased difficulty/realism, so I never play that way.

It's pretty hard to die in this game....

Get the PC version and install'll never say that again.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:33 am

I play with T.I.E as well as RP so.. I tend to die often and reload. ^_^
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