Death to the Stormcloaks !

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:54 pm

As the title goes, death to the Stormcloaks !
If you pay a great attention to the lore, you will realize they are a bunch of hypocrites.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

2. They blame the Empire for banning the worship of Talos. Well, the Empire was almost destroyed by the Thalmor. The treaty that banned the Talos worship was most likely the only choice the Empire had.
Stormcloaks: ORLY? Then it's the empire's fault for losing the war !
Well, you nords fought in the war too as Legionnaires and lost... including Ulfric himself... so don't go blaming the Legion for losing the war.

3. True sons and daughters of Skyrim? What about the Falmer, when they used to be the civilized Snow-elves. Nords drove them out of their homeland, forcing them underground to fight with the Dwemer and go mad/blind. They were sons and daughters of Skyrim too before.

4. Another info: In one of Skyrim's ingame books (might be spoilerish), the Thalmor writes: Ulfric Stormcloak was fed with misguided info about the Empire. He's a very good asset. He will weaken both Skyrim and Cyrodill.

So who's with me?
Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric !
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:46 pm

For the Empire!
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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:46 pm

As the title goes, death to the Stormcloaks !
If you pay a great attention to the lore, you will realize they are a bunch of hypocrites.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

2. They blame the Empire for banning the worship of Talos. Well, the Empire was almost destroyed by the Thalmor. The treaty that banned the Talos worship was most likely the only choice the Empire had.
Stormcloaks: ORLY? Then it's the empire's fault for losing the war !
Well, you nords fought in the war too as Legionnaires and lost... including Ulfric himself... so don't go blaming the Legion for losing the war.

3. True sons and daughters of Skyrim? What about the Falmer, when they used to be the civilized Snow-elves. Nords drove them out of their homeland, forcing them underground to fight with the Dwemer and go mad/blind. They were sons and daughters of Skyrim too before.

4. Another info: In one of Skyrim's ingame books (might be spoilerish), the Thalmor writes: Ulfric Stormcloak was fed with misguided info about the Empire. He's a very good asset. He will weaken both Skyrim and Cyrodill.

So who's with me?
Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric !

I am sorry can't see what you wrote there crap on it :tongue: Down with the Weak Useless Empire :violin:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 pm

I RP as a Dunmer, so, anyone who kill Nords is good. So Go to the Empire!!!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:01 pm

I RP as a Dunmer, so, anyone who kill Nords is good. So Go to the Empire!!!

The Empire is mainly a Nord/Imperial organisation... :whistling:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:37 pm

The Empire is mainly a Nord/Imperial organisation... :whistling:

This will explain why I choose the empire. I posted it before:
In my case, I play as Dunmer so I try to figure out how he thinks. He comes from a devastated province, half destroyed half invaded by the lizard-faces. He also born under imperial rule.
If he remain neutral, Stormcloacks may win... if that happens, who will stop the nords to slaughter the dunmer refugees or even invade black light or so ?
also if the empire falls, who will stand against the thallmor... and they say the thalmor is both behind the ulfrick and argonian uprisings to divide the empire.
I was undecided too... till I reached Windhelm... when I saw the grey quarters my decision was clear: I choosed the side who will help more the dunmer. And also, kill more god d4mn nords in the way.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:20 pm

Note that there is a statue/shrine of Talos to be found in the vicinity of most imperial camps, along with with sacrifices (an imperial sword stuck in the stone etc.). This indicates that "imperial" worship of Talos might not be as dead as it seems, and that the 'banning of Talos' might have been a half-hearted implementation from the side of the empire. I read somewhere (but can't find the source right now) that the empire condoned worship of Talos even after this was banned, and that is was only after Ulfric made 'an issue' out of this that they started cracking down on it.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:24 am

So who's with me?
Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric !

It would be nice if they could be made see reason but if not we will do what must be done... For the Empire!

Note that there is a statue/shrine of Talos to be found in the vicinity of most imperial camps, along with with sacrifices (an imperial sword stuck in the stone etc.). This indicates that "imperial" worship of Talos might not be as dead as it seems, and that the 'banning of Talos' might have been a half-hearted implementation from the side of the empire. I read somewhere (but can't find the source right now) that the empire condoned worship of Talos even after this was banned, and that is was only after Ulfric made 'an issue' out of this that they started cracking down on it.

You are correct. Or they might not have actively condoned it but they made no real effort to stop people worshiping, it seems to have just been done to get the Thalmor of their backs.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:45 pm

As the title goes, death to the Stormcloaks !
If you pay a great attention to the lore, you will realize they are a bunch of hypocrites.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

2. They blame the Empire for banning the worship of Talos. Well, the Empire was almost destroyed by the Thalmor. The treaty that banned the Talos worship was most likely the only choice the Empire had.
Stormcloaks: ORLY? Then it's the empire's fault for losing the war !
Well, you nords fought in the war too as Legionnaires and lost... including Ulfric himself... so don't go blaming the Legion for losing the war.

3. True sons and daughters of Skyrim? What about the Falmer, when they used to be the civilized Snow-elves. Nords drove them out of their homeland, forcing them underground to fight with the Dwemer and go mad/blind. They were sons and daughters of Skyrim too before.

4. Another info: In one of Skyrim's ingame books (might be spoilerish), the Thalmor writes: Ulfric Stormcloak was fed with misguided info about the Empire. He's a very good asset. He will weaken both Skyrim and Cyrodill.

So who's with me?
Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric !

1. Heard of the Falmer, Nords have never liked non-nords this is nothing new.

2. Incorrect, the Thalmor offensive was crushed and the began losing their hold in hammerfell, the end to hostilities was really in benefit to the Aldmeri dominion. Had the Imperials regathered strength and attacked the Aldmeri fleet they would be quick to surrender, Men largely outpopulate the aldmeri, due mainly to the reproductive cycle in humans.

3. Refer to 1.

4. It mentions that a long drawn out civil war would benefit the Thalmor, however a quick victory on either side would be disastrous. If Ulfric is quick to consolidate power and can form ranks i dont think the Thalmor will know what to do.

Edit: as bad as Nords are you have to understand the Imperials are reknown for the ability to destroy other cultures, After the debacle with Helseth i have lost all faith and trust in the imperials.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:11 pm

I am sorry can't see what you wrote there crap on it :tongue: Down with the Weak Useless Empire :violin:

Yeah, mine's crap, and yours is just completely constructive.
A typical Stormcloak! Ha!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:35 pm

1. Heard of the Falmer, Nords have never liked non-nords this is nothing new.

2. Incorrect, the Thalmor offensive was crushed and the began losing their hold in hammerfell, the end to hostilities was really in benefit to the Aldmeri dominion. Had the Imperials regathered strength and attacked the Aldmeri fleet they would be quick to surrender, Men largely outpopulate the aldmeri, due mainly to the reproductive cycle in humans.

3. Refer to 1.

4. It mentions that a long drawn out civil war would benefit the Thalmor, however a quick victory on either side would be disastrous. If Ulfric is quick to consolidate power and can form ranks i dont think the Thalmor will know what to do.

Edit: as bad as Nords are you have to understand the Imperials are reknown for the ability to destroy other cultures, After the debacle with Helseth i have lost all faith and trust in the imperials.

Lets just say what you wrote are right.
Still do not justify for Stormcloak secessionists.

1. Yeah, do you see a single khajiit in Windhelm? Where you see in Solitude? Exactly.

2. If the Empire was at advantage, why isn't the Treaty of White-Gold Concordat at the Empire's benefit??
If a treaty had a term that worked against the Empire, then obviously the Thalmor was at advantage.

4. Obviously, the civil war will NOT end as quickly as you think. Considering the support the Stormcloaks have and the foothold and the resources the Empire has.
Therefore, Stormcloaks: real cancer.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:35 am

Now ive never liked the empire in any ES game. But i hate the stormcloaks even more, so you have to go with the empire haha.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:24 am

This will explain why I choose the empire. I posted it before:
In my case, I play as Dunmer so I try to figure out how he thinks. He comes from a devastated province, half destroyed half invaded by the lizard-faces. He also born under imperial rule.
If he remain neutral, Stormcloacks may win... if that happens, who will stop the nords to slaughter the dunmer refugees or even invade black light or so ?
also if the empire falls, who will stand against the thallmor... and they say the thalmor is both behind the ulfrick and argonian uprisings to divide the empire.
I was undecided too... till I reached Windhelm... when I saw the grey quarters my decision was clear: I choosed the side who will help more the dunmer. And also, kill more god d4mn nords in the way.

The Nords were the only ones to accept the Dunmer refugees..
Also, if you base the "Nords hate Dumers" on the first encounter in Windhelm, try asking around the other Dunmer in that town.
The Dunmer are not forced to live in the Grey Quarters by force, but rather because of wealth. They are refugees and quite poor. That's the best they can afford! Not because they are forced to live there by the Nords.
The Nords have a general hate/fear of elves because they once tried to destroy all of humanity (Sarthaal), and now again the Elven Alliance (Aldmeri Dominion) wants to destroy all mankind.

The Empire is a lost cause.
They've lost Summerset Isle, Hammerfell, Elseweyr, Morrowind, Valenwood, Black March.
They are down to Skyrim, Cyrodiil and High Rock.
Cyrodill is pretty useless, even the Imperial City was sacked.
All the Empire can offer Skyrim is to such out resouces and manpower, leaving the Nord forces scattered and outnumbered. The vast majority of the Legionaries left in the Empire comes from Skyrim, as the remaning provinces only still remain because of siphning the resources and blood of Skyrim.
If Skyrim were to be independant, they could focus their forces in a single province, much improving their chances standing against the Thalmor.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:24 pm

Lets just say what you wrote are right.
Still do not justify for Stormcloak secessionists.

1. Yeah, do you see a single khajiit in Windhelm? Where you see in Solitude? Exactly.

2. If the Empire was at advantage, why isn't the Treaty of White-Gold Concordat at the Empire's benefit??
If a treaty had a term that worked against the Empire, then obviously the Thalmor was at advantage.

4. Obviously, the civil war will NOT end as quickly as you think. Considering the support the Stormcloaks have and the foothold and the resources the Empire has.
Therefore, Stormcloaks: real cancer.

1. Read my post.

2. You would think so.

4. No, the next game will probably show either as the victor and the dragonborn as the supporter of one of the factions.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:40 pm

Empire FTW! Stormcloaks are just bunch of rednecks that think they could ever beat the Aldmeri Dominion...which is nonsense of course. x)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:53 am

1. Read my post.

2. You would think so.

4. No, the next game will probably show either as the victor and the dragonborn as the supporter of one of the factions.

1.Read properly

2.Make valid argument.

4. No, the next game will not show victor of either faction because that means half of the users then wouldn't feel like their choices had continued in the next series.
I'm pretty sure the next game will feature something like Thalmor vs. Men
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:57 pm

We Imperials work for law, peace and prosperity. If that means that temporary sacifices must be made for the good of Tamriel, then so be it. The Stormcloaks are a bunch of ignorant peasants under a powerhungry regicidal usurper who are risking the future of Tamriel to play the patriot liberator. It's pathetic how many people are immediately convinced that the Empire are evil oppressors; open your eyes.

Long live the Empire.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:12 pm

Yea, at first i sided with the stormcloaks as i just wanted to kill the Thalmor. But after that playthrough i realised the stormcloaks are a bunch of morons. They're just weakening the empire by causing all this rebellion [censored]. And for what? For Talos? Fine, if all of them are willing to die to worship Talos, they can go sacrifce themselves on a [censored] altar, don't drag the empire into this.
They don't realise that the Thalmor are the root cause of all this. Therefore we have idiots with 0 intelligence like Galdur Stone fist serving the stormcloaks. And all hail egoistic racist snobbish Ulfric!

The stormcloaks should really read some books and see what lead to the White Gold Concordat. A frequent argument i hear stormcloaks say are "Useless imperials sold Talos out to the elves, blahblah"
Like they had a choice. If they didnt "sell out" Talos, the thalmor would probably have conquered Tamriel at this time. And where would your Talos be then? Heck, would the worship of the other eight divines still be allowed? Unless dear Akatosh comes down smiting all the thalmor to ashes again :)

Somehow i have a sneaky feeling that Bethesda wanted people to side with the imperials. After playing through twice, i realised that the arguments of the stormcloaks are quite superficial and basically the same, while there are many reasons for supporting the empire.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:19 pm

The Nords were the only ones to accept the Dunmer refugees.

From the lore I was under the impression they'd ended up all over the empire, plus a whole heap ended up in Solstheim, which is sad as they always told me it was a terrible place.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:02 pm

I Agree with TC all the way and this Is coming from an Altmer. My character has made it his personal (abliet Ironic) mission to wipe out the thalmor and I believe that the strongest ally for this is the empire, united no less. The Stormcloaks just doesn't have the numbers/leadership/discipline to take on the thalmor and succeed.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:28 pm

They are both hypocrites and scumbags, and it will probably in the end lead to a full scale Thalmor invasion anyway.
It probably wont matter.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:37 am

As the title goes, death to the Stormcloaks !
If you pay a great attention to the lore, you will realize they are a bunch of hypocrites.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak drove Forsworn out of the Reach. Well, for someone who fights for his native land, he doesn't really have much respect for the other natives and their land. (Forsworn are the natives of the Reach)

In one of the in-game books, it states that Ulfric put all men, women and children (old enough to carry a weapon) to the sword who didn't fight for his side in that conflict.

2. They blame the Empire for banning the worship of Talos. Well, the Empire was almost destroyed by the Thalmor. The treaty that banned the Talos worship was most likely the only choice the Empire had.
Stormcloaks: ORLY? Then it's the empire's fault for losing the war !
Well, you nords fought in the war too as Legionnaires and lost... including Ulfric himself... so don't go blaming the Legion for losing the war.

If you talk to Alvor, the blacksmith in Riverhold, he will flat tell you that Talos worship still went on after the treaty and no one cared about it until Ulfric and his crew started causing trouble over it. Ulfric forced the Empire to crack down on Talos worship, which led to resentment and discontent which led to the civil war. Alvor directly blames Ulfric for it all.

3. True sons and daughters of Skyrim? What about the Falmer, when they used to be the civilized Snow-elves. Nords drove them out of their homeland, forcing them underground to fight with the Dwemer and go mad/blind. They were sons and daughters of Skyrim too before.

4. Another info: In one of Skyrim's ingame books (might be spoilerish), the Thalmor writes: Ulfric Stormcloak was fed with misguided info about the Empire. He's a very good asset. He will weaken both Skyrim and Cyrodill.

So who's with me?
Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric !

Yes, Ulfric takes money from elves to cause trouble in his homeland AND he is a true son of Skyrim....... um, yeah. And he talks about killing his own countrymen like "Too bad, so sad." (Just visit his palace for the first time and listen to him talking with his advisors!) Traitor!!

Just a jumped-up barbarian with lots of silly words and sillier followers.

Death to the Stormcloaks. Death to the traitor Ulfric!
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:37 pm

From the lore I was under the impression they'd ended up all over the empire, plus a whole heap ended up in Solstheim, which is sad as they always told me it was a terrible place.

hahaa that actually made me laugh.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:57 pm

Poor faithless imperial bastards! Fear the wrath of the North, for the Empire, confined to Cyrodiil will be no more!
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:49 pm

Empire is not perfect, but it is far better than Stormcloacks.
Stormcloacs appear racist and quite dumb to me. They are just rebels with a cause, but wouldn't know what to do if they would get power. And Ulfrick probobbly would steal from his own people.
My character is High Elf and he is slaying Stormcloacks on sight !
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