Deathbrand Helm keeps randomly appearing

Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:19 am

I may have encountered a new bug revolving around the deathbrand helm. I have scoured the internet typing every possible combination of keyword i can come up with into google and no luck.

The deathbrand helm keeps randomly appearing every 10-20 seconds somewhere within about 20 feet of my character. It just drops from the air and falls on the ground. It happened sometime during dawnguard or dragonborn DLC. I am able to pick up the Helm before it disappears however it will remove itself from my inventory and fall from the sky again. I recently re-installed the game and have not modded at all yet I still have this annoying bug.

I guess I am kind of lucky because I have completed all the main quests, dawnguard and dragonborn on master difficulty but it is very annoying/frustrating because I am still enjoying the game with my level 59 redguard with the best possible daedric armor, weapons and many of my skills maxed with all the perks I like. I am still enjoying msc quests and slaying dragons. I look forward to a new DLC and trying user made quests via nexus mod manager but the random helm drop is driving me insane. I constantly hearing it falling infro grass, water and clanging off of rocks and man made objects as it comes to a rest.

I have had many bugs in skyrim, 1 game breaking but other than that I have been able to workaround or fix them all except this one.

As I have not seen anyone else report this issue I am open for experimentation. Cheers and Thanks.

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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:57 pm

Have you wearing the complete set or only the helm ???

Have you tried to find the whole set and see what happens ???

You can try to sell the helmet and then buying it back and see if it corrects the error !!!

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:52 pm

It may have been caused by a mod. Do you have any which require/affect Dragonborn?

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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:20 pm

I have not tried selling it because it disappears from my inventory so quickly however I am thinking I will try lurking around Windhelm next to merchants and see if I can grab it real quick and sell it, maybe once I sell it it will be locked in the merchants inventory or I can try the buying it back too. I am also thinking maybe I can stick it in a chest but haven't noticed if it appears inside. Will try these ideas and report back. If there was a console command for destroying items in your inventory that would be awesome haha.

I cannot think of any mods I would have used that affected dragonborn. I never used to unofficial dragonborn patch in the first place but I tried installing it and it didn't help. Most of the mods I used were pretty simple environment mods II'm only really interested in making the game look better when modding. I don't think I installed any armor mods but the fact that google searches get no hits make me think that you are right and one of the mods did something.

I don't really recall obtaining the armor because after mastering and smithing, enchanting and alchemy and crafting my daedric armor I never found anything better so I always just sell anything I find. I probably did get it at one point because I finished the dragonborn DLC however. I am going to look up the location and quest to verify If I completed it, and post back.

Thanks for suggestions so far, good to know I am not alone on this! Kind of sad how such a huge part of skyrim seems to be overcoming glitches, once you put hundreds of hours into a game your bound to encounter at least one lol. Oh well still love the game and will play it for years to come.

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James Smart
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Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:57 am

> Oh well still love the game and will play it for years to come. <

Ha,ha That's the spirit !!!

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