I may have encountered a new bug revolving around the deathbrand helm. I have scoured the internet typing every possible combination of keyword i can come up with into google and no luck.
The deathbrand helm keeps randomly appearing every 10-20 seconds somewhere within about 20 feet of my character. It just drops from the air and falls on the ground. It happened sometime during dawnguard or dragonborn DLC. I am able to pick up the Helm before it disappears however it will remove itself from my inventory and fall from the sky again. I recently re-installed the game and have not modded at all yet I still have this annoying bug.
I guess I am kind of lucky because I have completed all the main quests, dawnguard and dragonborn on master difficulty but it is very annoying/frustrating because I am still enjoying the game with my level 59 redguard with the best possible daedric armor, weapons and many of my skills maxed with all the perks I like. I am still enjoying msc quests and slaying dragons. I look forward to a new DLC and trying user made quests via nexus mod manager but the random helm drop is driving me insane. I constantly hearing it falling infro grass, water and clanging off of rocks and man made objects as it comes to a rest.
I have had many bugs in skyrim, 1 game breaking but other than that I have been able to workaround or fix them all except this one.
As I have not seen anyone else report this issue I am open for experimentation. Cheers and Thanks.