I had just completed the Dunwich building (love the spookiness of that place), and remembered there were a few brutes, just north, guarding a transmission tower. I get to the area, and sure enough, there's a brute and a regular mutant. Now, to find a DC. I whip out my scope, and none are around.
I travel a bit and finally find one, but it's a good distance from where I need it to be. Time to kite. I fire a few shots toward its direction (not hitting it), and sure enough, it starts to charge.
I turn and ru, er, walk really fast back to the mutants. It didn't take long for it to catch up, so for a good distance, every two hits was replaced with two stimpaks. Geez, the thing's just mean.
I get to the top of the hill, and sure enough, the mutants immediate start firing into the DC. I head over to the ledge to get away from the DC, and jump down. Thanks to the InvisiFence outlining the wasteland, the DC shifted its focus on the two mutants.
The winner: DC, easily, although nearly 2/3 of its health was depleted, thanks to the two automatic weapons being fired at it.
I jump back up and finish what the two mutants couldn't do.
This made me wonder: just how in the hell is anyone left topside. I seem to be the only person who knows how to take down a DC, so why are there so many people wandering about in the wasteland? If I can't outrun a DC, I know they can't! Hell, even those wearing power armor can't stop this thing, and they're packing serious heat!
Now, I need to kite 3 Talon agents to a DC to monitor that outcome.
So, has anyone seen a DC die in the wild outside of your own awesome skills?