Debating whether to start my character over

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:15 pm

I don't know why, but I'm wondering if I should re-do my character.

Level 33
Archery (54)- Two perks, both to raise damage to 20 and then 40%
Conjuration (80)- Half cost Novice and Apprentice spells, triple summoning distance, all Atronach perks; working on Necromancy. Won't be getting Twin Souls
Illusion (50)- Only four perks, the path leading to silent casting all spells
Two-Handed (49)- +20% damage and Champion's Stance
One-Handed- Never use; one perk to raise damage in case I want to use Daggers
Sneak (67)- Stealth (2/5), Backstab, Deadly Aim, and Muffled Movement
Speech (93)- All perks except Master Trader; Haggling is only (1/5)
Destruction (43)- Half Novice and Apprentice spell costs
Light Armor (42)- Only one perk.

I already don't often get much damage in close combat as I tend to one or two-shot most things with my greatsword. Don't know why I'm thinking about changing my character but I get the feeling that I won't have much to do, despite only having done 13 quests. I rarely get close combat unless I'm traveling by foot and even then, I usually get the person almost dead with a sneak-attack arrow hit. My main idea was to do a build good with Greatswords but is primarily a battlemage, but more reliant on sniping and magic.

Do I still get perks after level 50? That is the main thing I'm also wondering.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:46 am

Yes, you get perks every level-up, until you cannot level up any more (IE: All skills are at 100)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:48 pm

I'm in a similar boat, though I'm more focused on Archary and Sneak with some light armor thrown in. I can't help but feel that I've got restart-itis. I love restarting watching my character grow. So much I haven't done any of the main quest, though I'm thinking perhaps I should focus on the main quest finally.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:51 am

Just do it.

I had to bite the bullet and restart after about 35 hours.

I couldn't make up my mind, but I figured there was only one way to get that nagging "what if" voice out of my head.

Had to repeat some tedious stuff, but the game is pretty good at changing things up, and it's worth it because now it feels right.

No regrets and no more second guessing.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:26 am

Do it, just like RobotMilk I started anew after about 40 hours and some of the quests are boring but overall you will probably be happy with the choice. Even if not, just load your Dunmer and start back from where you left off.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:09 pm

i've already made three characters, granted they represent magic, combat, and stealth, but just watch which save you overwrite and you can make a new character pretty quickly, see if doing something different is better
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:37 pm

You do have skills all over the place.

For your next character. I strongly recomend restoration and or alchemy.
Restoration with respite and the perk for 50% stronger cures, is will give you an endless supply of stamina and with decent stamina, and your playstyle in light armor, you can perma sprint with a seconds wait for your fast heal to kick in.

As for speech, I have not placed a single perk or gone to a trainer for it.
But I have more then 40, at lvl 31.
Its nice for the better prices, but found a necklace for this.
But when it comes to money, the investment might be interesting but merhcants refill their stock of cash every day, atleast in my game.
I never have a problem selling things, even when I have items for over 5k on me, I just need to visit maybe 3, 4 merchants.

Also, you can use archery in close combat, but its quite hard, and its nice to see the sword animations.

Conjuration and Archery however is a very nice combination indeed. Especially if you play on Expert and Master. On Adept that combination might actually be too easy.

What I can share, is that looking at my character, a Dual wielding, heavy armor Orc. I do have 100 smithing and some alchemy and enchanting, but never placed a single enchant on a nything.
I actually have 50 enchanting but mainly from disenchanting items and placing 10 levels of training in it.
I find the damage from my self crafted and improved weapons already is a tad too much.

If I could go again, I would probably go for a shield and sword, simply cause its more realistic and muuuuuch less damage.
Dual wield is too strong. The +35% speed from flurry affects your dual wield power attack only, but makes it lightning fast with dual wield.
Add in at 70 the +50% damage on dual wield power attack, and +25% from standing, and +100% from one handed. Im at 80% one handed apart from 75% more on power attacks.
I 1 shot giants at Adept difficulty and 2 shot them on expert. And thats without any super weapons.
I have recieved as quest rewards, but then with enchants, weapons that are a little worse then mine raw damage weapons but still. Not too far.
Melee do a little too much damage if you are dual wield.
I think 2h is more balanced, its less damage, and slower attacks.
The dual wield flurry attack hits 4 times in 1 power attack, all counts as power attacks.
Its also an area of effect and if you have 2, 3 enemies standing near eachother you will kill them all with one flurry power attack.
Its cool, but with swords, you do a dual wield flurry attacks twice as fast as one power attack from 2h weapons, and in that flurry, you hit 4 times. You literally do double damage then 2h just there, add in the massive damage bonuses you get from dual wield. But it is cool.

My next character will be an archer or a magic user.

People complain about damage for destruction, while in fact, it is very well balanced. It is actually very very powerful.
Its just that, melee weapons with smithing and especially enchanting, is just way too good at the moment, considering how easy they are to level.
So in order to stay away from smithing and enchanting, I feel a mage would be the perfect way to play Skyrim without any redicilous 2ndary skills.
Sure you can make spells cost 0 mana, with some effort, but the damage will never be as melee.

That or go a templar with shield and sword.
Or a Nord in light armor and 2h, just for the Rp element, although light armor will hurt you alot in taking damage, but so what, its cool:-)

Anyway, the beauty with Skyrim is the fact that you WILL play more then one character.
In Oblivian you had one character and thats it, they learned it all. You will never do that in skyrim.
And as per levels. You get stats up to lvl 50, but can continue until lvl 81 I believe,.
Which will take forever. After 30+ its quite slow, after 40 its very slow.

If I made another character I would skip out on enchanting, smithing and alchemy and just play it as that. Im certain its much more enjoyable.
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