And no, they don't need to release every bit of information on every perk, the game has enough interest drawn to it as is; this isn't some indie company pulling a new and unique RPG out of their ass. Revealing everything to us wouldn't gain them more interest in any kind; the people who complain day and night about this game will still play it as will the people who praise every single little detail.
Yes, I know that they don't need to release every bit of information, because it's aTES game, made by BGS.
But they should. That's basic stuff all of us will know 10 minutes after installing the game, so why not tell us now, so we have some character planning to do instead of spamming the forums with complaints, praises, speculations and pure nonsense, just to pass the time until the game is released. Bioware/EA isn't an indie company either, but they released not only more info about DA:O, but also a facegen ap and even a quite nice browser game to showcase the system.
If *you* personally don't want info about the game you are about to buy, then feel free to avoid those threads, but don't speak for all of us.