I've never got one... possibly because i don't use 2-handed....
Just wait till it happens to you, especially on the higher difficulties. You could have enough health to survive the hit or to dodge but the AI just decides that you deserve to die.
I'm always for a good decapitation. Bonus points if it's a particularly annoying enemy, or if it's fitting they meet such an end. A hostile necromancer for example, as it seems right to cut the head off, a "Let's see you raise THAT" thing.
Or just for the laughs, sometimes. Friday night I decided to re-de-populate that Bandit tower just below Bleak Falls Barrow. I fought the last guy out on that ramp, and got in a decapitation. The body dropped off the ledge, which was cool, but the head went FLYING off the tower, rolled down a set of stairs I didn't even know was there, and just kept rolling on down the path. It eventually wound up in the river, a pretty long way off. I laughed.
I recently found a mod that allows me to adjust the frequency of killcams, and adds more too. I have it set to 70%. I may be a minority but I love finishing blows, they're so cinematic and cool to me.
do they only happen with certain weapon types? I've never got one with a sword...
They can happen with all weapons. Kinda odd getting such a nice cut with a big 'ol mace actually, but it's funny.
Really? Interesting. No, all melee weapons do it. My favs are when an enemy is on his knees about to die. That and battle axe decapitations in general.
Now that is awesome. I'm so leveling up One-Handed tonight and going bandit raiding.
No, but they do require certain perk (Savage Strike on One-Handed and Devastating Blow on Two-Handed).
why haven't I ever got one then.... since launch i have made various characters using swords or daggers, and I've never once got a decapitation....
It never gets old looking at someone's head roll down a hill.
All the decapitation scenes I see are my head flying off...
Seeing a head roll down a set of stairs or hill is epic in my book. Since I reset my perks in one handed I haven't got one in a long time. Need to go back to Solstheim at some point in the future and trade in dragon souls. Won't be for a while though.
I love axe decapitations. I had one on Silus where it looked like I curb stomped him almost as he was going down to his knee, then I shoved his face into some steps and whacked his head off
i don't use swords much with my current character (she's an archer) but i do get kill cams with my bow but nothing spectacular
but with my past characters most where swordsmen i've had kill cams that where funny (i've had one recently when i do use a sword, that looked like my female imperial was slitting the throat of an enemy).