I didn't add a alot of input to the last thread, but I was lurking. I'm really interested in Celan's last post:
Celan, is Attrebus Mede "Mede I"? Or is he an older ancestor?
I didn't add a alot of input to the last thread, but I was lurking. I'm really interested in Celan's last post:
Celan, is Attrebus Mede "Mede I"? Or is he an older ancestor?
Attrebus Mede is the son of Mede I.
The title has nothing to do with your post. This is a very specific question rather than a discussion about the CW itself.
Actually Beothiah http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Boethiah%27s_Quest. Now if you truly want to prove your worth, you'll http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Eltonbrand.
TL:DR If you can help get my shrine rebuilt, you can have Goldbrand.