I brought home a load of silverware, and spent the better part of an hour (if not more) placing everything on the table, then adding food and what more to make it look like a really nice feast. Then I went on to spend a long time placing a statue, along with some flowers and decoration in the shape of a small altar, or shrine if you want.
Considering the complete pain in the ass mechanics in Skyrim as far as placing items go you can say it was a real exercise in frustration from beginning to end.
But I did get everything right, despite being unable to properly turn items around, or move them closer/further from you, or any way of making certain items even stand upright (why can't we grab the edge, or top, of a goblet so it will hang down and "land" properly). Instead you have to battle the goblet by banging it against the side of a table, or a wall, just to make it turn so that you can place it standing up rather than rolling around on side or even upside down.
Anyways, I got it all placed, pressed F5 to quicksave, grabbed a soda, went outside the house to go sell some gear... I come back in to grab some ore and leather to up my smithing... and my first reaction is.... what in the F***!?!
Result follows... put it like this... I left, and never gonna place a single decorative item again in Skyrim. B.R.O.K.E.N. mechanics.