Did anyone else accidentally ruined days of shelf sorting, by accidentally discharging a spell?
YES! :banghead:
I would like to see them make house decoration a little more user friendly for Skyrim, but on the other hand there was something painfully enjoyable about the frustratingly, painstaking process it was in Oblivion. There was a certain sense of satisfied accomplishment to be had after getting my house just the way I wanted it and I can honestly say, that by the time I was done with that game, my strongest natural skill in the game was probably 'item placement'. :brokencomputer:
The tedious tasks of rolling a bottle along a wall or floor to get it into an upright position for placement, or, using the edge of a chair, bookcase or table to precisely allign a book for entry into a 2inch slot in a bottom shelf of a bookcase(a task that any master placer knows can only be done accurately from across the room with a telekinesis spell) were things I came to be able to do in the blink of an eye and with little effort. :toughninja:
One last point that I haven't seen mentioned yet in this thread is the issue of the homes default items respawning once a month in Oblivion. That needs to be removed for Skyrim. It was such a disruptive effect to anyone who spent time arranging items just the way they wanted them.