Hope springs eternal...
Hope springs eternal...
There's hope for you yet Rahl. Welcome back to the fold!
Aye, I will not deny the words from my own mouth. But I feel it is my duty as an up and coming programmer to at least try and aid fellow programmers as they do their job. I got the invite, I might as well try and help out Zenimax/Bethesda in any way I can, rather than letting the invite go to waste.
Edit: Also, if some of you have tried to log in and have experienced a "Log-in Information is Incorrect" message. I believe this is linked to the fact that the beta is not live yet. However, should this problem persist when the beta starts, change your password to something new, then try to log in. For me, this produced an error message indicating the beta was not live, but I believe this will solve this issue if you experience this when the beta starts. However, if you try this now, the error message shows up once, then returns to the "Log-in Information is Incorrect" message. Just a warning for you up and coming Beta Testers.
No you did not, but your post was universal for those of us who have/had lost our hope for ESO, thus I responded in kind.
I read your post the wrong way then. Forgive my snarkyness
I'm pretty sure I worded it weird. I tend to have a weird way of wording things. Forgive my lack of clarity.
You guys seriously having an apology-off? ...i haz hugs
Guys, super important question: What is subsampling? Is it the same as supersampling? How intensive is it? That's the one and only graphics option I don't understand...
I downloaded the beta client yesterday and it was measuring my download speed in mB/s. Millibytes per second?
I can't play the beta. First it says it needs shader model 3.0 and then it says video card not supported.
I am not going to buy a new pc for one game, so that is that then. Shame.
Perhaps next time it would help to realise that not all fans are running a spanking new pc, that not all fans are going to want to buy an expensive new pc just to play one game and that you're placing yourself out of the market like this.
I am very dissapointed and will probably never play TESO now.
Easy on the rage there. You're wrong, plenty of old rigs can play ESO, but I can't really say much here. I just tried to PM you, but it says that you cannot receive any new messages.
Got invited but got no link for a private beta forum.
Also, seems hundreds of uk people can't get into the beta client as it kicks them out straight away. Anyone understand why?
No-one can help you here. See the OP. The forum info is at the bottom of your email.
I have no rage. I have dissapoint. My inbox must be full. Time to delete some stuff.
No input on the kicked instantly as I've never experienced that error, but in your email try enabling your image links, the forum link should become visible then.
It's always visable in my emails ... still nothing.
It's not just me. At the uni I go to 20 people I know got the invite and have the exact same problem. No beta forum link anywhere and crashes/just comes up with errors. I've messages a few mods so maybe they'll be able to help out
Ah, well, maybe it was something with the EU invites. We've had a lot of confusion over "missing forum link" on the NA side and my fix helped for them, so it was worth a shot. Hope you get it figured out soon.