Deep Wounds affecting stagger chance

Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:23 pm

Just curious if there is some connection.

I recall on some other thread another poster (probably Sandslice) had run some tests and discovered some synergy between critical hits and the frequency of staggering foes. Turned out that the Critical Shot perks in Archery (at least the first 2 of those 3, IIRC) increased the chance not only of a critical hit, but a stagger as well.

I'm curious if Deep Wounds in the 2-handed perk tree has the same effect, since it too increases the chances of getting a critical hit.

I know that critical hits aren't much damage in themselves, but stagger is quite a prize, and a better chance to stagger a foe would be worth the perk investment IMO.

Anyone know - or want to run some tests? :)

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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:26 pm

Never thougth of this. I too would be interested in someone running some tests (not me of course). I'm too lazy and have never taken that perk and am on ps3 so I have three strikes against me. But it would be a great discovery if true.

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:55 am

Guilty as charged. :D

I'll pull up the old thread for reference:

The short, short form:

1. Critical Shot does not increase the chance to stagger (it's still 50% for crossbows, and separately 50% for Power Shot.)

2. Critical Shot DOES raise the mass-limit on things the crossbow can stagger; with only one rank, you can stagger everything except Alduin.

3. Deep Wounds rank 2 is still bugged as of current build; its bug multiplies critical bonus damage by 1.25, regardless of what is causing the crit. It doesn't affect stagger chances or mass-limits.

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Post » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:30 pm

Ah, speak of the devil! Thanks for the link & clarification.

It's a shame about Deep Wounds (and most of the weapon-specific perks). I was so hoping there would be some ancillary benefit besides a bit of extra damage.

Still, according to UESP, if I'm using a Skyforged Steel greatsword, 1 rank of DW gets me 10 pts extra damage, and close to 19 with 3 ranks.

My 2-hander character is currently sitting on 3 perk points and I've been wondering whether it's worth it to start down the DW line. 10-19 extra points of damage could add up, I guess, especially considering it's entirely a bonus and requires no special action to activate (just hope it procs). It would be a no-brainer if it helped the stagger, though!

Thanks for running tests like these and sharing the results - I find this stuff really interesting. :)

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Post » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:37 am

Two-handed swords have some fun tricks to use, also. Some quick numbers for you:

Skyforge Steel Greatsword

Base damage: 20

-DW1: +10 damage

-DW2: +15.625 damage (the bug stacks with itself!)

-DW3: +18.75 damage

-Great Critical Charge: Doubles the number above, plus it's fun.

-Block bashing: If you go up the right side of the Block tree, you can do as much as 75 damage (plus it triggers your weapon enchant) with a bash, plus a possible disarm if you have that perk. :)

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