To make clear ahead of discussions,... I am playing on the standard adapt. My current Toon is a rogueish type, skilled in sneak, one handed combat, dual wield or with shield, bow user.
My Toon, named Sarah (blond, blue-eyed Nordish), is Lev 33 atm and has sofar only unlocked the house in Whiterun. I basically mess around alot, trying to minimize the bulk of side-quests, by finishing these first.
I intended (at lev 1) her initial combat skills to be dual wielding swords. But during the run of the levels, nice one hander sword been dificult to find (for me atleast), so I ended up wielding a mighty dreadic mace (quest-reward) and an orcish shield (found and enchanted by myself a bit) at lev 33. I initially never intended to make my bow a main weapon of attack,... but I was level 17-something untill I encountered my first dragon. I was reading the fora, and saw some had defeated several dragons by then,... so I wondered why I had not encountered them yet. After a little research I realised Ive not been following the main quest much,... so I finished the initial dragon encounter in Whiterun. Which eventually made me a Thane, gave me Lydia, and my first dragon kill.
I noticed during the first encounter, but on later encounters too,... that pure melee skills made me lack a skill to get the freaking dragons down on the ground. So I decided to focus a bit more on bow skills, giving me an ability to rake them down from the heavens. Well I thought that was because of it, but I noticed if you give it a bit more time they will eventually land on the ground themselves. But... at the beginning I encountered a few roaming dragons that did not want to seem to want to land,... so I decided to skill up my bow skill a bit more.
My main focus for leveling was the Dark Brotherhood. I took up that initial questline in Rivenwood on my first day out of Helgen. I went like 'YES!' when I got that questline. In Whiterun I also did some companions quests,... It took me a while to decide to take up that special perk they will give you (not giving away the spoiler), but as I succeeded in getting another Toon of mine to become a night-baby, I decided to go on with the companions to become a furry.
Anyway... I was leveling my bow skills. Meanwhile I was in the DB,... and Ive been initiated in the Thievesguild too. A combination of these gives nice sneaking extra's in gear. And combined with bow,... I found it to be virtually making me unkillable, as I nebver have to engage in physical combat. Ive not made sides with Empire or Stormcloaks yet. These questlines I still have to decide on.
Well, not perse,... but I do seem to be basically unkillable with sneak+bow at the moment.
Defeating the AI with bowing.
The most easiest way is to do this:
- Be sure to be hidden and crouched.
- Aim and fire at the target.
- All potential targets will become angry and start to look where the hurt came from. (visible red circles on your compass)
- Replace yourself to another position. At some locations the targets will come to have a look at your initial fireing position. Silly thing is that some times it is enough to displace just a little bit. But as long as you are in crouch you will eventually get the HIDDEN status back, ... and they will loose their aggresiveness.
- Wait untill the targets return to their initial positions.
- Fire at them again... and you will have a little repeat... replace, stay hidden,....
This way I noticed I can defeat almost EVERY dungeon (on adept). The AI just seems to lack the ability,... well... to basically find me.
Some bosses are a bit more challenging. But Running/crouching back a bit more into the dungeon where you initially came from,... will eventually lead the targets to fail on finding you.
...I dunno... I do find it a bit silly... Though with brainless corpses I can understand such stupidity. They do act like automotons.
Being outside... way in the open,... it may be a bit more challenging. But as long as you fire and replace and hide,... you can even defeat NPC's like this, in the way open. Just make sure before you engage,... you know where you will be hiding too.