» Fri May 27, 2011 3:25 am
Smith and the recruits along with the radio man, hopped into the trench, it was'nt very roomie, at least for someone in Power Armor, the trench had a long step, that you'd stand on to fire at the enemy. The captain looked his squad of recruits, who seemed to be a little uncomfurtable with the room, "Dont worry, your going to have to get used to it, because this will be your home for the next three weeks, so until then, we are on constant alert, two man watches, switch off watches every five hours, I think the Chow Hut is that room over there...", smith points to a hole in the wall of the trench, "The barracks is where ever you want it to be, but the room with the beds is that hole right there...", smith points to another room, that has a small curtain on it, "Are there any questions?"...