The morning was chilly and dry. The only sound in the wasteland was that of the Vertibird as it continued to the Supply depot, that also acted as a holding station for new recruits. The pilot of the Vertibird looked back into the cabin of the Vertibird, "Sir E.T.A five minutes, buckle-up", the Captain sat in his seat quickly buckling himself in. The Captain looked out the open door, as the Vertibird approached the base, and circled around the base for a moment as it waited for another Vertibird to take-off. The Vertibird settled on the landing pad, as the Captain un-buckled his belt, stepping out of the bird in full officers dress putting his hay on, as he walked over to the Commanders tent. The Tent was some what disorginized as a private holding some documents walked out of a back room, "Excuse me, where can I find the Commander in charge of this base?", the private quickly stood at attension saluting, "The Major is this way", the Captain followed into the back room, seeing a woman at her desk writing on some papers, the private stood at attension saluting the woman as she looked up from her papers, "Major Atler, this is...", the captain saluted taking off his hat, and placing it under his arm, "I'm Captain Smith of the 5th Rockies Division, I'm here on orders from Major Stenton to get supplies and fresh recruits, for the defence of Hill Site 56!", the major stood-up, holding her hand out to the captain who gently shook it, "Well, I've heard about your fights with the Brotherhood and those damn rebels from that town. You know most of my supply Vertibirds are shot down in that sector!", the captain looked at the major some what stunned to hear the casualty rate of her Vertibirds.
The Major excused the private, as the captain took a seat in front of the desk, "As I said Major, I'm here on orders to get supplies and fresh recruits, you would'nt mind would you?", the major sat in her seat, sitting with perfect posture, "Not at all, you and the rest of the Enclave who are on the "Front Lines", fighting the Brotherhood of Steel, are doing a great job at trying to bring this country back to the way it was", the major sat in her seat with her hand held together in front of her mouth, "How many recruits do you need, supplies I can give you as much as you want!", the captain thought for a moment, "How many recruit do you have?". The major sat up as well as the captain as she motioned for him to follow him. The major motioned to the private to turn on the PA System, placing her lips next to the microphone, the captain could'nt help but look at her perfect form, she had blonde flowing hair, that was placed in a pony tail, "This is Major Atler, all new recruits report to the third landing pad immediatly, thank you", the major stood back up smiling at the captain, "The third landing pad is the one your Vertibird is on, I'll send medical and food supplies to the first landing pad, where a Vertibird will take on the supplies and follow you to Hill Site 56. Good Luck Captain Smith", the two saluted as the captain walked out of the tent to his Vertibird, realizing a large group of Troopers had already assembled to the pad, "ATTEN-HUT!", a man yelled as the group stomped at attension, "My name is Captain Smith, and I've been sent here to get new recruits for the defence of Hill Site 56, you may all have heard of Hill Site 56, but for the one's who have'nt, Its a small hill that over looks a valley with a small town in it, and in that town their is a larged Brotherhood of Steel base, that has been constantly pounding us. The hill has been able to hold out for quiet sometime now, because of supplies being brought in by Vertibirds, along with fresh recruits. Now I'm going to be honest with you, but the life exspectancy of a Trooper there is 39%, but if your smart and keep your head down, you should be able to stay alive much longer. Well thats my speach, if anyone who does'nt want to join just say walk away, we leave in twenty-minutes"...
This is Where your character comes in, Obviously. You can be what ever rank you want, just nothing above a Captain. Dr. Strangelove, thats me is Captain Smith.
1. Dr. Strangelove and SideWynder0 are the game moderators/Gamemasters, what we say goes.
2. No Insulting other players of any reason.
3. If you must talk to another player about something other than the Rp, please send a PM, if you are about to leave the Rp, just put an "OCC", on your LAST post, please do NOT, make a new post with an "OCC" on it, just to tell us your leaving or something.
4. You dont need a Character Sheet, just post a description of your charcters looks and what he/she is wearing. Also when your character is thinking of something, please put it in Italics.
5. If you have some kind of problem with the Rp, or have an Idea for the Rp, send it via PM to Dr. Strangelove or SideWynder0.
6. Their may be swearing, just have it so it fits the Scene of your post.
7. Have fun with this Rp
8. Your Character must be able to carry, a realistic amount of gear and ammo. Dont have your character carrying a Gatling Lazer and Two Plasma Rifles, with Six Laser Pistols, Two Tesla Armor Suits and Helmets, make it realistic. Also your character starts out with no PA or Tesla PA, they must prove themselfs before they are allowed to gain their PA since you are a new recruit.