Defence of Hill Site 56

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:29 pm

Their days were numbered and they new it. Their only way of getting supplies was via Vertibird, and the next Vertibird was'nt due for three more hours, the commander of the hill, looked around for a single able bodied Trooper. The commander walked into the "Chow Hut" and randomly looked and grabbed a trooper who was eating his early morning chow, "You... Captain Smith, your getting on that first Vertibird out of here and getting recruits, you got me!", the commander walked out the small hut, while the captain finished his chow, waiting for the Supplies to come.
The morning was chilly and dry. The only sound in the wasteland was that of the Vertibird as it continued to the Supply depot, that also acted as a holding station for new recruits. The pilot of the Vertibird looked back into the cabin of the Vertibird, "Sir E.T.A five minutes, buckle-up", the Captain sat in his seat quickly buckling himself in. The Captain looked out the open door, as the Vertibird approached the base, and circled around the base for a moment as it waited for another Vertibird to take-off. The Vertibird settled on the landing pad, as the Captain un-buckled his belt, stepping out of the bird in full officers dress putting his hay on, as he walked over to the Commanders tent. The Tent was some what disorginized as a private holding some documents walked out of a back room, "Excuse me, where can I find the Commander in charge of this base?", the private quickly stood at attension saluting, "The Major is this way", the Captain followed into the back room, seeing a woman at her desk writing on some papers, the private stood at attension saluting the woman as she looked up from her papers, "Major Atler, this is...", the captain saluted taking off his hat, and placing it under his arm, "I'm Captain Smith of the 5th Rockies Division, I'm here on orders from Major Stenton to get supplies and fresh recruits, for the defence of Hill Site 56!", the major stood-up, holding her hand out to the captain who gently shook it, "Well, I've heard about your fights with the Brotherhood and those damn rebels from that town. You know most of my supply Vertibirds are shot down in that sector!", the captain looked at the major some what stunned to hear the casualty rate of her Vertibirds.
The Major excused the private, as the captain took a seat in front of the desk, "As I said Major, I'm here on orders to get supplies and fresh recruits, you would'nt mind would you?", the major sat in her seat, sitting with perfect posture, "Not at all, you and the rest of the Enclave who are on the "Front Lines", fighting the Brotherhood of Steel, are doing a great job at trying to bring this country back to the way it was", the major sat in her seat with her hand held together in front of her mouth, "How many recruits do you need, supplies I can give you as much as you want!", the captain thought for a moment, "How many recruit do you have?". The major sat up as well as the captain as she motioned for him to follow him. The major motioned to the private to turn on the PA System, placing her lips next to the microphone, the captain could'nt help but look at her perfect form, she had blonde flowing hair, that was placed in a pony tail, "This is Major Atler, all new recruits report to the third landing pad immediatly, thank you", the major stood back up smiling at the captain, "The third landing pad is the one your Vertibird is on, I'll send medical and food supplies to the first landing pad, where a Vertibird will take on the supplies and follow you to Hill Site 56. Good Luck Captain Smith", the two saluted as the captain walked out of the tent to his Vertibird, realizing a large group of Troopers had already assembled to the pad, "ATTEN-HUT!", a man yelled as the group stomped at attension, "My name is Captain Smith, and I've been sent here to get new recruits for the defence of Hill Site 56, you may all have heard of Hill Site 56, but for the one's who have'nt, Its a small hill that over looks a valley with a small town in it, and in that town their is a larged Brotherhood of Steel base, that has been constantly pounding us. The hill has been able to hold out for quiet sometime now, because of supplies being brought in by Vertibirds, along with fresh recruits. Now I'm going to be honest with you, but the life exspectancy of a Trooper there is 39%, but if your smart and keep your head down, you should be able to stay alive much longer. Well thats my speach, if anyone who does'nt want to join just say walk away, we leave in twenty-minutes"...

This is Where your character comes in, Obviously. You can be what ever rank you want, just nothing above a Captain. Dr. Strangelove, thats me is Captain Smith.

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5. If you have some kind of problem with the Rp, or have an Idea for the Rp, send it via PM to Dr. Strangelove or SideWynder0.

6. Their may be swearing, just have it so it fits the Scene of your post.

7. Have fun with this Rp

8. Your Character must be able to carry, a realistic amount of gear and ammo. Dont have your character carrying a Gatling Lazer and Two Plasma Rifles, with Six Laser Pistols, Two Tesla Armor Suits and Helmets, make it realistic. Also your character starts out with no PA or Tesla PA, they must prove themselfs before they are allowed to gain their PA since you are a new recruit.
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michael danso
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 am

Captain Malik Cyris surveyed his sector of the Hilltop, spared acouple of breaths in the small break in artillery fire.

Somehow those Brother Hood of Steel fanatics had gotten ahold of some old tech mortar launchers. They have been bombarding us all day.

The Captain continued to look over the rest of the men assigned to his platoon. 13 had died since the early morning hours. There was little that could be done until the next supply shipment would come in. There was plenty of laser munitions, acouple plasma munitions were being reserved for the Commanders guard staff. Grenades were running low and the hilltop hadn't seen Plasma grenades in months. Somehow the fanatics down in that town kept convincing settlers to join in the rebellion. A few had come up to join the Enclave encampment back when it was first settled. Now anyone trying was usually shot on the way up by the rebels. So the only way to receive supplies and fresh recruits was by air.. Malik turned his head to look out over the battlefield into the sky watching the most recent Vertibird take off with his old companion and right hand man Smith.

Better bring back some good ones this time..
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:10 pm

Captain Smith looked around the supply base as the group of recruits entered their barracks and grabbed their gear. The private from the major's office ran up to the captain, holding some kind of papers, "Captain, I need you to sign these, their papers showing that you took the supplies", the captain grabbed the papers scanning them quickly, "How long you been here?", the private looked at the captain with a sort of confused look, no one, including officers ever asked about low ranked enlisted men, "I've been with Major Atler since we first came to Sector 12, I was affraid of the battle front after my sisters husband came back all traumatized, so I joined the supply command", the captain finished signing the papers as the private saluted and rushed off to gather the supplies.
The captain continued to look around, as the supply base began to get very busy, Vertibirds were coming and going with wounded troopers and sending out supplies. Old U.S. Trucks that seemed to be barely working, were racing around with supplies in the back loading the large box's onto Vertibirds.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:15 am

Name: Max
Age: 23
Rank: Private, (Aiming to achieve "Special" and become a certified sniper)

Personality: For a Sniper Max is quite social;
A very dark sence of humour.
A realist, Max could never be a squad leader, hes mentality to tell-it-how-it-is often gets him court marshalled on account of "damaging moral".
Max stays out of the compatition as to who has killed the most, he knows hes killed alot... But hes too busy killing more, that noticing how many the rest have killed. Often killing enemies they dont even see.
Although his repair and science skills where aquired just so he could mod his weapon he also carries a multimeter and a minicomputer for repairing and hacking into computers.

Skills: Sneak, Repair, Science, Energy guns.

A Laser rifle, Max used his repair and science skills to add a scope to the top of the Laser rifle. (Very apt for a wanna-be sniper)
Aswell as this he changed the focusing lense on his laser, the beam is now ALOT thinner but carries over a longer distance.
A combat knife
A multimeter... trying to fix electrical appliances or systems.
A Pipboy-like-device that is a hand held keyboard for remote access to LAN or WANs... Use full for disableing securitys systems.
A black full suite of combat armour, except it has been streamlined, there are no armour plates on the arms as to not restrict arm movemnt.


Max is sat on his bunk, inspecting his laser rifle...
He walks over to one of the large men wearing power armour.
"Permission to ask a question sir?"
Before letting the armoured figure answer Max adds..
"Is there a firing range around here I want to re-sight my scope... " Breaking into a cheeky smile he adds
"Oh and im sure a clever soldier like you would know where I can aquire a few capacitors so that I can mod my laser rifle..."
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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

Private John joined the ranks of Enclave. He was determined to get into high ranks of the enclave, so he always followed orders, no matter what they were. He was cold, never showed any signs of weaknesesses, he just followed orders and admired Captain Smith.
He was now there, waiting for new orders and oportunities to prove himself to the enclave.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:36 pm

It had been three days since the last Vertibird landed at Hill Site 56. The rebels and BoS had been getting better and better at shooting them down as they crested the ridge line to the east.

Stupid Intel said it was a safe way to bring in reinforcements.

Malik once again looked over his platoon in the bright and chilly day. He was a generally quiet man, used to keep to himself. Until the Enclave saved him from a serious condition many years ago. He had since risen in the ranks, deciding that this life was better than any he could aquire out in the wastes. They had even brought in his adopted daughter Jennifer, and her wolf-dog Bear. The unit almost viewed Bear as a sort of Mascot. The Captain rested his armored right arm down on the wolf's head deep in thought.

War never changes. I don't quite remember where I heard that but whoever said it, they were freakin right!

Captain Malik stood at 5'9 with long black hair, he no longer even bothered to put it back into a ponytail, his helmet wouldn't let it fit. A deep scar ran down the left side of his face from his forehead to the middle of his cheek. If you caught him at chow you could also see 2 deep scars running from his wrist to his elbow. Memories of a battle long ago. A high pitched whistle brought Malik out of his thoughts, "INCOMING!!!!" he yelled to his troops. BOOM a mortar crashed into a nearby box of food supplies. As dirt clods pound the ground around the area, Malik frowns in the direction of the crater.

There goes chow for the next day or so..

The Captain stands and turns to his men "Ready your weapons another waves on it's way!!!"

-OOC my char looks like my avatar pic (yes I know its vincent-I had a friend give some facial hair tho) except he has the afformentioned scar on the left side of his face.. Anyone new who wants to start will be brought in by Captain Smith -Dr.Strangelov from the recruitment camp so if you want to join you start there. Thankyou!
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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 pm

Having realised the tall man in power armour wasn't ever going to acknowledge him Max wandered off to find the shooting gallary himself...

After about ten or fifteen minuits of wandering the base Max still hasnt found a shooting gallary...
Deciding to ask someone else he headed over to two men manning a HAM Radio,

Man One: "Can you repeat that Hill Site 56?"
Radio: *static* more.... mortor fire... no known death... VertiBird... Brotherhood.. Raiders... accurate, vertibird not safe...
Man One: *shouts at Man Two* Get this damn feed clean!"
Man Two: Yes Boss.
Radio: *sounds of mortor fire* *A distant voice "INCOMMING!"*

Max slowly walks over to the radio opperators...
"Errr guys... Dont think you could give me some directions do you?"
The first man just glares at Max and points towards the door, as Max leaves the room the radio opperator continues to frantically attempt to communicate accross the radio.

Max continues to wander the base looking for a shooting gallary...
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:02 am

Captain Smith decided to walk over to the command tent that Major Atler was in, the Private was talking to someone, when he spotted the Captain, "ATEN-HUT", the two quickly stood-up, saluting the Captain who saluted back, "At ease gentlemen, where is Major Atler?", before the Private could answer the Major's voice came from the back room, "In here Captain Smith!", the captain walked into the back room as the two private's began to talk again. The Major stood-up, once again holding her hand out, "What can I do for you, is their something wrong with the supplies?", the captain shook her hand as he sat down in the chair, "Oh no, nothings wrong with the supplies, their exactly what we need, no I was just wondering how someone like you got a s*** job like this, if you'd excuse my language Major!", the major smiled a bit sitting down as well, "I was accually at the "Front" five years ago, "I was a Medic for the 5th Battalion, I ran with a small squad called the "Aces", we would enter enemy lines dressed as wastelanders, and where ever the Brotherhood was, they had some kind of reason for being there, this time they were making a outpost so they could make more attacks on our left flank...", the major grabs a glass of purified water taking a large swig, "Well Sector 3 Command was getting tired of the major losses we were having, just to defend our left flank, so they sent us in. We usually went into enemy lines at different times or as a pair, anyway we all joined in this little bar that was some what crowded, got a room, setup our plan of attack, geared up, and headed to the half built outpost. Some Brotherhood Knights were guarding the perimiter of the outpost, luckly it was dark so we could be more stealthy, we were just about half way done with arming the plasma bombs, mostly just plasma grenades with a mine attached. Anyway we were just about done when a Knight spotted us, one of the new rookies decided to blast the knight, which brought the whole Brotherhood Platoon right on us, I was fleeing when I got shot in the left rib area..." the major stands up lifting up her shirt to show the scar, "I was almost captured but my squad commander told me to run... I never saw him again, so I was sent to the rear as a supply commander".
The Captain looks at her tell about her life up in the front, when he realizes what time it is, he quickly rushes out of the room not realizing to salute the major, he looks at the private who is busy working on some papers, "Private I need you to get on the P.A. System and tell all the fresh recruits to meet at the Vertibird!", the Captain rushes out of the tent towards the Vertibird... The sound of the P.A. System crackels to life with a bit of static.

*Static*, All new recruits please report to the third landing pad... I repeat, all new recruits report to the third landing pad *Static*...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:47 pm

The intercom echo'd through the building telling all the new recruits they where to one of the landing pads.

Max didnt really listen, his mind was fixated on making sure his laser rifle was sighted properly...
In the waste he'd learnt that a badly sighted scope, is a useless scope...

He decided he'd just go five minuits late or so... after all the public breifings where so standard...
One day... you will have to go to the front..
Be prepaired... it 'could' be soon.

A few minuits checking the scope on his laser rifle in one of the VertiBird hangers couldnt hurt anyone...
Max slipped into hanger 3 and set up a 6 empty water bottles next to the wall... then briskley jogged towards the other side of the hanger, there he too a prone possition with his feet against the hanger door about 200 yards from the bottles.
He now proceded to aim at the lid of each bottle, between each shot altering the scope of his rifle.. By the 3rd bottle it was perfect and the 4th, 5th and 6th bottle all remained standing perfectly still while their lid caps where liquified under the heat of the laser beam.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 am

Private Rudy "Rude" Wellings made his way to the landing pad, falling in line with the rest of the recruits. Rude was 21 years old, and his reasons for joining the Enclave were simple. During a small battle that took place within the town he lived in, a Brotherhood member (most likely new to the BOS) shot a missile directly towards his parent's house, trying to kill a single Enclave soldier.

The BOS member succeeded, also killing Rude's parents and 10 year old sister. Rude was not issued a weapon, and was a bit worried about his superiors giving him flak for it, but he awaited orders nevertheless.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 pm

Captain Smith stood in front of the Vertibird door, looking at the group of new recruits, I cant believe I'm heading back to that hell, the captain looked on as they all stood there at attension,"Lets load up". The captain opened the door, jumping into the Vertibird quickly turning around as all the recruits jumped into the vertibird as well. The Captain looked to the command tent, realizing that the Major and Private were waving to him, he waved back, then sat in his seat. The Pilot of the Vertibird looked back at the captain, "Is this it?", the captain looked at back out of the door of the Vertibird, the sound of the Vertibirds engines roared to life sputtering some smoke, "IS THIS ALL?"...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:09 am


The mortars continued to fall for acouple of minutes then the roar of those fanatic Brotherhood of Steel members charging up the hill could be heard.

"Unit 2 and 4 ready the Gatling Lasers, Unit 3 is on standby, Unit 1 on me!!" Malik rattled off orders, preparing for the onslaught to come. He clicked his armor helmet down over his head sealing himself from the outside. Then he activated it. Sparks of lightning jumped from coils set on the armor. Providing a surreal look to the Captain. As the Gatling Lasers charged up the Captain let out a tremendous cry "5th Rockies Division!! Will we give ground??"

"NO SIR!!!" his troops sounded off

The first round of Gatling Lasers sounded off as well, throwing streams of laser fire into the first row of Brotherhood of Steel members. No blood flew at first, the enemy simply charred and melted. Then the Laser fire abated as the units needed to either cool or reload. The enemy returned fire. The first wave having been obliterated the Brotherhood switched to their support units. Heavily armored units stepped forward armed with Gatling Guns and Missle Launchers. The 5mm bullets pounded the outside of the barrier walls and zinged over head. Missles took full on chunks out of the walls, some chunks falling on Enclave soldiers taking cover behind them.

We've waited long enough!!
"Unit 1 CHAAAAAAARGE !!!" Captain Cyris and a group of 8 other men made up unit 1. The remaining 5mm bullets pinged off his and his troops armor. The Captain had timed the charge just right, as the Chain Gunners had to reload and had not yet stepped back into the cover of the fallen buildings dotting the road down toward the town. One man took a remaining missle practically point black with a launcher, sending the Enclave soldier and BoS soldier into a cloud of blood and smoke. Malik came up to the first Chain Gunner and punched with all his might. The force of the blow was aided by hydraulic pistons on the weapon on his left hand. The enemy's helmet caved in spraying blood down from the neck seal. A BoS soldier stepped forward to aid his comrade, just a little too late. Captain Cyris spun .44 magnum in hand and fired point blank. The barrel might just have scratched the lens of the enemy helmet. The soldiers head whipped back and a spray of blood sizzled in the air as the electricity cooked it instantly. The Captain took stock of his remaining troops. 1 had died from the missle fire, and another had been clubbed to death by a BoS's Chaingun. The enemy had taken severe casualties in the assault, loosing 4 missle launcher units and 5 5mm units. Not to mention the front line of enemy soldiers that the Gatling Laser fire had taken down. Captain Cyris opened up his radio comm.

*static* "Unit 3 get down here and grab what you can for supplies from the dead, Unit 2 and 4 provide cover support for the cleanup.Unit 1 gather what you can of our fallen." *static

Malik Cyris walked back up to his post in the front of the camp, and deactivated his armor. The lightning arcs slowly began to fizzle, then died out completely. Only then did he remove his helmet and shake his hair out. A young lieutenant ran up to him, "That was great you pushed them back!!"

Malik raised an eyebrow, "We lost 2 good soldiers out there, praise them first..." At this he turned and watched his Platoon gather up much needed ammunition and supplies. The first units began filing in carrying as much as they could. "Sergeant.. Once you've gotten cleaned up give me a tally on what you've brought back from the field. Also, give me the files on the ones we lost. I didn't recognize them, they must have been new.." The Sergeant Saluted his Captain and continued to work. The Captain walked back to his tent to write more of those godforsaken letters...
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 pm

Kyle looked at the Captain, seeing a little dissapointment in his face. He quickly filed into the vertibird and they flew off....

Kyle had joined the Enclave to get away from his life. Bandits had recently killed or imprisoned his whole family. With nothing left he decided to join the Enclave.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 am

Two recruits ran up to the Vertibird one carring a modified laser rifle that had a scope on it, the captain held out his hand, helping them onto the Vertibird, "Next time be on time, no one will be helping you on the front, Do you understand me troopers", the captain knoded to the pilot to head out. The Vertibird slowly lifted off the landing pad, as the captain buckled himself in. Captain Smith looked at the new recruits with a some what worried look on his face, but quickly got into combat mode. The captain was a changed man when he was going into a combat zone, he looked at the group once more, "We'll be landing under fire so follow me, I dont want anyone being a tough guy, you'll be taking orders from me and Captain Cyris", the captain looked out to the wasteland, it was as barren as it ever was, he could imagine how people still survived out here...

OCC: While you ladies lol are choosing who should post, I'll be checking out the forums.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

Almost getting left behind, Kyle jumped in the bird and listened to the captain's order. He found a seat and strapped himself in. There were about a dozen other recruits, a few he had met but he didn't know about the rest. He studied them, most thought this would be some cheap food, weapons and protection. With plenty of time he began to work on his 1903....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:21 am

As the Vertibird was aproaching the landing zone, Pvt. John unholstered his weak Lasor Pistol, getting ready for his first assigment.

I will prove these old fools what I am capable of doing

The vertibird finally landed, then the door opened showing a sad wasteland being torn apart again by war. He got down and took cover, while still nearby Cpt. Smith, always paying attention to the battlefield and to his Cpt, anxious for new orders.

This is dangerous but I will not fail!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 am

The Vertibird broke over the mountain ridge as they came under heavy fire from mounted Miniguns and Gatling Lasers in the mountains that had burned out trees all over . The Captain stood-up, holding onto a safty bar, and looked at the group, "Once we land follow me to the barracks!". The Vertibird encircled Hill Site 56 for a moment before landing on the dirt landing spot, the sound of rifle fire and exsplosions could be heared all around, "Ok lets move out, follow me", the captain jumped out of the Vertibird, rushing towards the barracks...
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 am

He heard the heavy fire directed at the bird he was in. A quick thought went through his head "What the hell did I just get into"

Among the cracks of rifles and the low zap of lasers he felt like a target running to the barracks with his large 6-3 frame . He safely made it into the barracks and waited for the captain to talk.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:58 pm

After leaving and taking some nearby cover, Cpt. Smith left the vertibird and ordered everyone to follow him to the barracks.
Pvt. John looked upon him, I thought we would fight already, but I need to follow orders then he quickly started following Cpt. Smith, while always going from cover to cover, if he wasn't lucky he would have been shot in the leg already.

I want to reach this!
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

I guess that didn't match the other posts.. ok
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:18 pm

The Captain walked over to his locker, that held all his armor and weapons. He grabbed his Tesla armor and held his helmet under his arm, "Ok I want all of you to go into that room...", the captain pointed to a door in the back of the barracks, "I want you all to put on a suit of Power Armor, just to let you know all officers wear Tesla Power Armor, and another thing, you've proven yourselfs some what by making it here... Now go gear up, and meet me out here once your done", the Captain turned his attension back to his locker as the recruits ran into the back room. The captain grabbed a Plasma Rifle and placed a combat knife along with a plasma pistol on his belt, Damn its good to be back...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 am

Damn, it was like christmas for Kyle. He would have some nice metal room between him and death. He went to the armory and looked for his gear. He had trouble getting his armor on and it was heavy. He adjusted it and it felt a little better, he picked up his helmet, slung his rifle and went into the room where the captain was waiting....
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:36 am

Hah, finally some power armour... real protection! Pvt. John got a power armour, and after some time he was finally able to put it on. He then grabbed a nearby Laser Rifle, then he gone back nearby Cpt. Smith, waiting for new orders.

It feels so good in this power armor... I feel so protected.... so Powerful!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:08 pm

Captain Cyris walked into the barracks flanked by two more members of the 5th Rockies Division.
As he entered the room the new recruits snapped to attention. One man was slightly slower than the others on this.

"At Ease" the Captain Barked

Have to keep an eye on him. Might get someone killed. Malik noted the man and decided to pull him aside later. He walked over to Captain Smith and saluted sharply. Then he clasped his hand and broke into a grin. '

"Nice to have ya back, and we definetly needed the supplies. We missed you gun out there.. we lost acouple today. The Brotherhood are getting ancy and have begun to push a little harder. I suppose you need to get everyone squared away so I'm going to head back to the front lines." Malik clasped hands with Smith again and turned to walk off.

"Oh, yes everyone we are on rotating shifts here. Grab some chow and rest, be ready at 0 hundred hours. You all get the early morning watch."
With this comment he breaks into a grin and moves out, once again flanked by the two soldiers.
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Big mike
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:46 am

Captain Smith saluted back at Malik, "So its been the same huh", captain smith looked at his new recruits for a moment, "Ok lets go unload those supplies, DOUBLE TIME", the captain and the recruits walked out the door, the captain realized the sign with the Divisions motto, "When your wounded and left on the plains of the wasteland, and the muties come to cut up your remains. Just roll to your rifle, and blow out your brains, and go to your "God" like a trooper", the captain smirked at the mottoI missed this place. The Captain walked out of the barracks as the sound of a mortar came flying in, the captain and the group hit the ground, as the mortar flew over head missing its intened spot.

The captain got up from the ground looking at the recruits, "Get the hell up, what are you a bunch of Brotherhood Paladins... No your Enclave Troopers!", the recruits got up rushing to the Vertibird unloading the supplies, and placing them next to the barracks...
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