Soon after I finished the Reunions quest, synths attacked Green Nursery settlement. A quest showed up under miscellaneous quests to defend it. So I went there and killed all the synths. The settlers thanked me. But the quest was not marked as completed. I left Green Nursery and went some place else, and immediately saw the "Failed to defend Green Nursery" message. I went right back to Green Nursery and saw most of crops, water, and defenses destroyed. Is there any way to fix this apparent bug? Also, after I killed all the synths, I noticed one of the settlers had died, and her inventory revealed a synth component! So I assumed that meant she had been a synth posing as human. Whether the synths killed her or the other settlers did, I don't know. Did all this have anything to do with why the defense quest couldn't be completed? I don't mind synths infiltrating my settlements once in a while, which makes things exciting. But I mind if I can't complete a defense quest for some possible bug and end up failing it and losing resources.