I find this complaint irritating because frankly, if it isn't hard enough for you, turn the difficulty up and stop [censored]ing.
I've been playing the game on Expert and when I feel the need for my ass to be handed too me, I jack it up too Master.
If you crave even more challenge than Master, play it hardcoe. No fast travel, no potions, food only, Master difficulty, without Necromancy magic.
That's another issue altogether, Necromancy is incredibly OP and needs too be nerfed.
Another thing, why do I find fighting bears and sabre cats harder than a dragon? I know why! DPS is way higher for battles with bears and sabre cats for the simple fact that they're faster and more straight line attackers.
Dragons may look beautiful with the FXAA modification on PC on Ultra (even without DX11 support), flying about being all majestic, but the more time they're not attacking means the more time we can hit them back.
So anyway, besides that I do rather like the crime being specific to certain holds, even if it makes it a bit easier to get away with murdering large amounts of people. Especially when you leave no witnesses ^_^;