I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, but my point with that is merely that Bethesda, as a business, won't have any trouble competing with BioWare. As for opinions, one thing that does annoy me is that people feel the need to make their dislike for Oblivion well-known in a thread that has nothing to do with it. I'll see a "I play both(but vastly prefer Morrowind)" or a "I hate Oblivion" statement commonly in threads that have nothing to do with it. Some people seem to feel the need to make it well-known that they don't like Oblivion just because they can. There are "Morrowind is better than Oblivion" threads disguised as other things and posts that just pick on Oblivion for no reason other than to spread the message of Morrowind is better than Oblivion. Opinions are fine, but why does anyone need to post it in a mile-high sign everywhere they go? What about accusations that insult the fanbase such as "casual" or "action players"?
Well, yes, I do find the excessive kind of Oblivion bashing misplaced especially in threads completely unrelated. But most threads here are about different TES games and thus Oblivion and Morrowind comparisons can't be avoided.
People tend to voice their dislike for Oblivion because it was disappointing to them, not because Oblivion is a bad game. If Oblivion was bad then it would just be: “damn that was bad, gonna play something else”, but
because Oblivion was actually good most Morrowind fans felt kind of betrayed and are like: “Why, why did they [insert random reason], it could have been so much more awesome!”
So they feel, that there are still potential for a game that will have the spirit Morrowind and voice their opinion as much and loudly as they can. You sould understand that, as you have the same need to defend the game you feel is awesome already.
Oh and I don't see much Oblivion bashing in Morrowind forum as most people there really only care about Morrowind. But here the whole purpose is to talk about all the games

EDIT: Eh...wth? so many posts happend before I finished my post? now this one seems completly unrelated...