Coolness is not judged by how athletic or good with girls or fashonable you are. Coolness is determined by how cool I think you are by reading your posts. You are pretty damn cool Seti. You like all TES games and will stand up for Oblivion when Morrowind fan boys and girls call it shallow and lame. That is cool. Because I know that some people just say Morrowind is best to fit in in the forums.
Just wait until TES V is released.
Seti(3 years in the future): TES V is a casual piece of crap! I remember the good ol' days of the true RPG, Oblivion! TES V: Skyrim is the greatest game in the history of the universe. I hate this game. The environment is too different, there aren't enough skills, how could they get rid of that awesome Imperial male voice from Oblivion, this game is an action game!
/exaggerated collection of elitist rants